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Summer's P.O.V

"So... it's a maze..." I said awkwardly looking at the sign that said 'Maze' on it.

Ahead of us was a stone maze with tall walls around it. Clearly we had to go through it and to the end. There are probably also dangerous obstacles waiting in there somewhere.

"Yep... well let's get started" Erza said hands on her hips.

We began.

We walked for 30 long, scilent minutes except for the occasional out burst from Natsu saying "are we there yet?" But we all just ignored him.

It seemed like forever before somthing happened.

The ground and walls began to sudenly shake causing us to stop and regain our balance. Then we heard it from behind. It was a giant... bolder!!!!!

We ran as fast as we could and turned expecting the bolder roll right past us but it didn't! The bolder must have been enchanted because it followed us around the corner.

We ran and ran taking sharp turns trying to lead it away but it never stopped rolling towards us.

"I've had enough of this!" Erza yelled after around 5 minutes of running. She took out a sword and turned around ready to attack. But as she turned, part of the floor she was standing on opened up and she fell through. And just as quickly as the floor opened, it closed just as fast.

"Man down! Man down!" I yelled still running from the bolder. I could science Natsu's eyes staring at me thinking 'what a freak.' I ignored it and kept running.

Just as I was about to give up. I saw it...

The opening!!!

I ran faster the bolder inches from hitting me and dove...

I mad it out of the maze along with Natsu. The bolder suddenly stopped and fell through another opening in the floor.

"Well that was a close one" Natsu said panting.

"You could say that againg" I said panting the same amount, if not more than, Natsu.

"Well that was a close-" He repeated before I interrupted.

"Shut up!" I yelled annoyed by his random comments.

"Let's go..." he said unaffected by my comment.

"Okay... let's go.." and with that we opened yet another set of doors


Sorry, Gomen'nasai, triste, désolé, Entschuldigung, joesonghabnida, Yíhàn

That is sorry in English Japanese Spanish French German Korean and Chinese. Probably not in that order.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated I've been busy. I know that's a lame excuse but it's true. Well for you guys I'm going to give you three chapters instead of one crappy chapter.

Well onto the next chapter...


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