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The Teams:

Team 1: Natsu Erza Gray Happy Wendy and Carla

Team 2: Laxus Gajeel Panther-lilly Evergreen Freed and Bickslow

Team 3: Mira Elfman Lisanna Canna and Levy

Laxus's P.O.V

"Why do I have to be the only girl on this mission?" Evergreen complained, crossing her arms over her chest." I'm always the only girl."

"Well we're almost there so you won't have to deal with being the only girl for long" I replied annoyed.

"What ever" she muttered.

We walked into town and asked around about a castle that could possible be big enough to have a dungeon.  No one knew anything.

"What do we do now?" Bickslow asked.

"We should probably check the surrounding area" Freed replied.

"First let's check in with Warren" Panther-lilly said.

"Okay" I put my pointer finger and middle finger to my forehead.

Warren we're going to look around some more. How are the other groups doing? I asked using telepathy.

After a moment of scilence he answered. Natsu's group haven't said anything and Mira's group didn't find anything so they are coming back to the guild.

Alright, I replied ending the connection.

"Team 3 didnt find anything and team 1 wasn't reported anything.Where should we look first?" I said.

"Let's split up and look around. We can all meet back here in an hour." Gajeel inquired.

"Fine. The groups are Gajeel and Panther-lilly, Bickslow and Evergreen,  and Freed and I.  Understood?"

"Yep." Everyone replied.

And with that we split up and checked the area.

~ one hour later ~

"Okay. What did everyone find?" I ask once we were all together. I didn't find anything so  I'm hoping the others did.

A chorus of 'nothing' answered me.

"Okay then I guess the hid out is by Team 1". Well I hope Natsu doesn't ruin this...

Lucy's P.O.V

"Hey Lucy!" A voice called. It was Summer." We're gonna break you out in two hours."

"Really!?" I said standing up but then falling back down as pain rippled through my leg. Zeref stabbed me with a knife in the leg and then gave me a crappy bandage to put on it saying he was "generous".

"Is your leg okay?" She asked noticing my fall.

"Yeah just a stab wound that's all." I said under exaggerating it. She gave me a weird look." I'll be fine. Dont worry."

"If you say so. Well be back soon." And she left. I smilled to myself at the thought of escape.

I'll be free...

Natsu's P.O.V

Guys, warrens voice erupted our searching. Zeref's castle has to be right near you because all of the other groups didn't find anything.

That means we must be close cause we've been searching for an hour and have one last spot to search.

I ran up ahead to check. Then I searched.







And searched.








And searched.








When we saw it.






The castle.

Three guards were standing out side by the front door. Two men one woman. Perfect.

"Natsu don't be rash we need to figure-" but I didn't listen to Erza as I ran towards the guards.

After a few minutes I defeated them and stripped them of their clothes.

"Natsu! I told you to wait!" Erza scolded me then gave me a death stare. I shivered in fear.

"There are only three guard suits. One of us has to stay outside." Gray said.

"None of the suits will fit me so I'll stay outside with Happy and Carla" Wendy said smiling.

"Okay then I want you to wait in those bushes over there and call the wrest of the guild." Erza said pointing.

"Got it." Wendy saluted.

We then proceeded to put on our guard uniforms making sure to put the masks on. Once done we all looked at each other.

"You guys ready?" I asked looking at Gray and Erza.

"Let's go!"

And with that we walked inside. It took us a moment to find the stairs that led down to the cells. We walked down the stairs that led to a long hallway. And there at the end, coming towards us, was lucy with two guards.

"Hey you two! What are you doing with that prisoner! We were ordered to bring her to Zeref! So what are you doing with her!" I yelled walking towards them.

I looked at Lucy. She looked panicked.

"Um sir I belive your mistaken we are suppose to bring her to Zeref. He ordered it himself." The male guard said.

"Really because he told us to bring her to him in his office" Erza said arms crossed over her chest.

"That's strange considering the fact that his office is being remodeled" a female guard said. Crap! They found out! No point in hiding now. I flung off my mask and ran towards them with my fist on fire.

"Natsu!!! Wait Natsu stop!!" Lucy yelled. I stopped an inch away from one of the guards faces. Erza and Gray ran over." Minna! You guys came!" Lucy proceeded to hug us. I then looked at the guards with a serious face and got in an attack position.

" Don't worry there friends. This is Summer and this is Kyo" Lucy said." They were actually just breaking me out."

"Oh..." I got out of my attack position."Well what do we do now?"

"We have to get her to the exit before-"

"Before what" Summer was cut of by a voice behind us. And I already know who it is...



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