unlocked!(lvl 2.1)

585 17 5

wattpad is back up you know what that means B)

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Y / N ' S P O V

I was able to sleep on the couch last night. I felt bad that I slept with Cooper and took up his space on his own bed. It was uncomfortable, but I managed through the night. I know Cooper says he doesn't mind, but I'm doing it more so for my sake: I don't want to fall for him harder because there is always that possibility Madi and I have been reading everything wrong.

The last two days of the convention were fun but now is when we all go home. Travis and Joko woke me up a few hours ago to pack all of my things. I waited in the lobby with Ted, Madi, Charlie, Joko, and Travis, watching as people arrive and leave the front desk, checking in and out.

I looked down at my phone, aimlessly scrolling through Twitter until I feel a light tap on my shoulder. Looking up I see Travis, "Everyone's gonna start checking out now, you should wait outside so they don't suspect we snuck you in," He laughs before walking away. 

I follow what he said and walked closely behind another leaving family to look like I was with them before sitting on a bench outside of the hotel. I could see them all through the glass doors at the counter, all trying to shove their key cards at the desk worker. They should really... wait for the worker, I chuckle.

They walk out and Charlie orders an Uber to where he and some other members are staying, probably with family or friends, while Travis orders one for him, Cooper, Noah, and me. "You get triple points if you go UberBlack!" Travis says as he enters their location into his phone.

"Okay, but don't order fucking 100 of them!" Cooper says, in awe of his friend.

The three of them come and sit next to me on the bench, putting their luggage between their legs as they sit. "Did you have fun?" Cooper asks as he looks at me.

"I did, I've never been to a convention like this before so it was nice to finally have this experience," I say smiling. "Thank you, Cooper."

"Of course," He replies. "I'm glad you came along, I'm glad I got to experience this with you." I smile as I look at him. He was smiling back at me, his hair disheveled, making him look sleepy.

"Are you gonna go back to sleep once you get home?" I ask, bringing up my hand to move a bit of his hair out of his face.

"Probably, I really did not want to wake up but Noah was... persistent," He laughs. "Would you like to join me?"


"Really? You replied quick," Cooper says, turning away. "You're practically begging to sleep with me at this point."

"Stop saying it like that, you're making it sound weird," I say, nudging his arm with my own. He smiles before Travis grabs his things and gets up, pointing to the car that we need to get into.

The car ride was boring. Noah, Travis, and Cooper were going back and forth quietly. I laid my head against Cooper's shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt him slightly shift so he was slouching more so it was more comfortable for me; the gesture was really nice.

A while later, Travis is paying the Uber and we all grab our things from the trunk, dragging them to our complex lazily. "Y/n's gonna crash here for a bit, you wanna grab Roscoe?" Cooper says, turning back to me to ask the question. I nod as he grabs my luggage and I make my way up the stairs.

I got a message from the dog-sitter when they left this morning, letting me know that Roscoe slept most of the time I was gone. Opening the door, I see him, sleeping (again) on the couch. I see his nose twitch before his eyes slowly open, glee filling them as he sees me in the doorway.

I crouch down as he runs to me, letting me cradle him in my arms before I pick him up and take him to the boys' apartment. I set him down and he makes a b-line to Travis, who crouches down and pets him. "Cooper went to his room, Y/n," Noah says from the kitchen. "I'm assuming you came here for him?"

"I came here for all of you!" I say, looking up from Travis and Roscoe to scold Noah.

"I'm not buying that at all," Noah states.

"Yeah, me neither," Travis adds. "Can you two just, like, date already?"


"I agree," Noah says, cutting me off, "everything is laid out for you two and both of you guys are too big of pussies to act on it or even acknowledge the other person's signals."

Recently it feels like I was constantly being interrogated by my friends about Cooper and me, and I don't really know how much more I can take of people telling me the same things before I lose it.

"Fuck you, Noah," I say. "I'll ask Cooper right now."

"Yeah right," he says. I give him an annoyed look before walking down the hallway towards Cooper's room. He notices how I seemed a bit tense when I came in and wordlessly opened the covers for me to get in next to him. He puts his phone on his nightstand before wrapping his arms around me. I didn't know how to approach the question of everything without it being sudden, so I just went for it:

"Hey, Coopie?"


"Can I ask you something kind of serious? If you don't want to answer right now or... ever I understand."

"Well, what's the question?" I could feel the vibration of his voice in his chest as it rang against my ear.

"What do you think of when you hear my name?"

I pause.

"When you see me, what do you think about?"

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

please this chapter was so shitty </3

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