unlocked!(lvl. 2.5)

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i know a lot of you guys didnt like the last two chapters IM SORRY I HOPE THIS ONE IS OKAY CRIES

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Y / N ' S P O V

Private Message: traves

how much longer will you be at work ? :[

idk but probably not much longer
ill text you when i'm out :]

okay :D come over when you get home
we miss you D":

aww i will i promise
see you then :]

I shut off my phone and head out from the break room; Alex nods in my direction as a greeting. I nod back with a small smile before walking an order to a table. As the day goes on I start to feel more and more lethargic. It all felt the same, every single day felt the same.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I hear Noah ask as I walk into their house.

"I know I looked bad but damn," I laugh a bit, knowing my hair didn't look the best after running around the café all day and my clothes were all wrinkled.

"No, it's not with your appearance," He adds. "You just seem a bit off. Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine, just tired. Roscoe wasn't able to sleep and he made sure I knew that the whole night," I say.

"You can crash in my room for a bit if you'd like," Cooper yells from the kitchen.

"I'll try and stay up," I say as I sit on the couch next to Noah. Travis was also on the couch on his phone while Noah was watching some show.

Cooper walks into the living room and smiles at me as I show him one as well. "You sure you're feeling okay? You look like you're about to pass out..." Cooper says as he sits down next to Noah, leaning over a bit to look past Noah and at me.

3 R D P E R S O N P O V

"I'm fine, just a little tired," Y/n says, sighing quietly as she leans her head against the back of the couch, only to lift it back up a few seconds later.

"We can get you something to eat? Or maybe some tea to help? You look like you might be a little sick," Travis says, holding his hand up slightly next to your head, pausing. "Can I feel your forehead?"

Y/n nods and Travis lays the back of his hand against her forehead. "You're warm, Y/n. I think it's best if you lay down.

"I'm fine, really, I don't need help with anything!"

"Y/n... please go lay down," Cooper says, leaning over slightly to see the girl from around where Noah was sitting. His eyes pleading and his brows furrowed in worry - how could Y/n deny his request?

"Fine, but not because you told me, alright?" She sighs, standing from the couch and reaching her arms up to stretch. "I'm doing this of my own free will."

Y/n begins her walk down the hallway, Cooper following behind as Noah leans over to Travis. "She totally did that because he told her to."

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

"Here, Travis said you're warm but we like to keep the place a bit cold because outside is usually very hot, so here are some more blankets-" Cooper says as he places folded blankets at the foot of the bed, "- and I'll go grab you something to eat and drink. Would you like some soup?"

"I feel fine, I don't know why you all are making such a big deal out of this. All I do is school, work, and see you all. I see the same people every day, no one I've been around has been sick recently so why would I be sick?"

"Maybe the universe wanted you to be sick."

"That's kind of a fucked up thing to say."

"No, I mean- like-" Cooper pauses, trying to evaluate his thoughts and articulate them. "If the universe didn't want you to be sick, then you wouldn't be. Maybe the same as the rain on our date, there was a reason for it to happen."

"Why would the universe want me to be sick?" Y/n says, leaning her head against the headboard of Cooper's bed as he stands at the edge next to her.

"I mean, if you felt okay, Travis wouldn't have checked your temperature and suggested you lay down, and if you didn't come over here to lay down, I wouldn't have been able to do this."

Reaching out for Y/n's hand, Cooper brings the girl's knuckles to his lips, kissing them softly, then setting her hand back down on her torso. As though Cooper hadn't registered yet what he had done, his cheeks immediately flush as he turns his head to the side, a slightly audible chuckle erupting from his throat and flowing into the air.

Y/n stares at him with a small smile, heat dusting over her cheeks. "Sorry about that," Cooper laughs out, seeming to regret his actions.

"No, it's okay," Y/n says, grasping one of his hands in hers and waving it back and forth softly. "It was cute." Cooper smiles widely, small smile lines forming at the corners of his eyes as their interlocked hands sway in the air. "You should get back down to the others, they're probably waiting on you or something.

"They'll be fine. I'm going to go make you some soup and some warm tea-" Cooper says, unclasping his hands to bring it up to her face, brushing his thumb across her cheek softly and slowly. "-then I'll bring it up to you and let you watch something on my laptop. You've been working very hard lately and I'm so proud of you; you deserve to rest, Y/n."

Y/n sighs, a smile forming on her face - as if there wasn't one there before - at Cooper's words. "I'll be back in a few minutes. I think we only have chicken noodle and tomato for soups, then camomile, green, and peppermint teas. I'll go double-check, though. Any preferences?"

"I'm okay with anything, make whatever is easiest, I don't want to inconvenience you any more than I already have."

"You are nowhere near an inconvenience to me or anyone, Y/n. Don't talk about yourself like that, please," Cooper says from the doorway, flashing Y/n a smile as he disappears and shuts the door behind him.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

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