PART 1 - Chapter 9

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     Still kind of dazed, i try to process the voice i just heard. It came from right in front of me... right? That sure as hell wasn't Nagito speaking, using my voice. And we're the only ones here, aren't we?

"Down here you himbos!"

     Nagito and I look down at the same time. I don't know what I expected, but it sure as hell wasn't a 4'2 blond dancer wearing a neon orange kimono.

"We've been waiting forever for you two to show up. We looked everywhere! What were you losers doing in there?!"

     I gave Nagito a look, unaware why he chose this place to begin with. He shrugged.

"We were just having a little chat. Nothing too important, Hiyoko." Nagito said.

     I would have agreed with everything that just came out of his mouth if he had left out the 'Nothing too important' part.

"Whatever, but it's still your fault for keeping everyone waiting! Get your ugly faces to the restaurant ASAP!"

     Hiyoko turned to leave but I stopped her.

"Wait! Why is everyone meeting at the restaurant? What happened?"

     I tried to sound as casual as possible, but failed entirely.

"What do you mean WHY?! We need to find out what that stupid motive is! We thought it would be as easy as the others, but that dumb bear refuses to tell us! And Monomi's no help either! As usual."

     And with that, she left.

     Nagito gave me a worried look, and at that time, i knew what he was thinking.

     Nobody knows what the motive is, because they were never affected by it. We are the only ones the motive applies to.

     We are the only ones who have swapped bodies.

The Body Swap Motive (KomaHina // HinaKoma)Where stories live. Discover now