PART 1 - Chapter 3

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     Before I can even comprehend what's going on, I hear a scream.

     I look around the room to find the source of the scream, but then I realize, it was me.

     But, was it really me? I'm definitely not 'me' right now. I was Nagito.

     A million thoughts ran through my head at once, but before I could think clearly, I heard a knock.

     I froze.

     I slowly turned my head to the door. I tried to walk toward it, but couldn't. It was like I forgot how.

     It was like I forgot how to think,

     how to see,

     how to breathe.

     After about 20 seconds of staring, I put one foot in front of the other, all the way to the door. I unlocked it and steadily opened the door. It was Fuyuhiko.


     Wait... what?


     Ah... so this was the motive, huh. Figures.

     I suddenly hear a scream come from next door. Probably Hajime. I put it aside and get dressed. After that, I walk out the door, eager to see everyone else's reactions to the situation.

     I turn to the direction of the restaurant, when suddenly, i hear talking. It was coming from. My cottage, which Hajime was in.

     I know I shouldn't have, but I was curious as to hear what Hajime would say, so I listened in.

     I creep over to the window and sit down, making sure I'm not visible for Hajime, or anyone else, to see.

The Body Swap Motive (KomaHina // HinaKoma)Where stories live. Discover now