PART 1 - Chapter 12

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"What are you doing???"

That was the last thing I could muster out before Hinata dragged me into the restaurant.

Of coarse, we weren't exactly in the restaurant yet, because of the building's layout. We had just walked into the hotel entrance. The restaurant was upstairs.

Hajime pulls me aside.

"WHAT WAS THAT???" he whisper-yells.

I suppose my face seemed confused, because he explained in more detail.

"Your response! I would never say something like that!! What happened to keeping it low?"

I honestly completely forgot about the situation. I guess my old habits are returning. How pitiful.

"Sorry, Hajime. I guess it slipped my mind. However, I don't see you trying to replicate my personality?"

Looks like that's checkmate for Hinata.

"If we want this to be convincing, we both have to be in on this. That is... if you are comfortable working with trash like me?"

Hajime hesitates for a second. I can only assume what he is thinking right now.

'As if i would listen to someone like him. He shouldn't get to boss me around when he's in a vulnerable situation like this.'

Or possibly he is thinking,..

'I guess he might be right in some way, but why should I do all the work?'

Luckily, he answers for me.

"Maybe I'll put in some effort once you start putting in some effort."

A solid response.

"Fine, fine. I'll try my best to act like you, Hajime."

"Then I'll try my best to act like you, Nagito."

We give each other a reassuring nod as we take our first steps up the stairs to the restaurant.

Up the stairs, as if ascending to the heavens above.

Up the stairs we go.



hey bestiez. hope yall like the new layout (as in the 'parts' concept).

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