1. Still an Orphan, Though

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Shit, I hope there aren't invisible wires. Emma thought, slipping into the large warehouse in downtown Washington D.C.

"Guys, I won't kill you too hard!" Emma called, her voice echoing through the room. She stopped and put her hands on her hips, taking a deep breath. "Alright, I will kill you hard, but it's for a good purpose!"

Emma reached for her weapons belt and took it off. She set it on the floor and held her hands up.

"I don't have weapons!"

Emma squealed as a random man came out of nowhere and tased her. Her body stiffened and she fell, hitting her head on the concrete.

"Yeah, I should've saw that coming." Emma stood back up, rubbing her forehead. She held her hand out when the man held his taser back up. "Wait! I'll give you all my weapons, just don't tase me again."

"Why are you here?" The man asked in a Sokovian accent.

"Better question is why are you here?" Emma put her hands behind her back to press a button on her watch. It sent her location to S.H.I.E.L.D. in case of emergency. "Shouldn't you be home in Soko- oh wait, the Avengers destroyed that place like nine years ago?"

"Who sent you?"

"You act like I'm gonna tell you." Emma sighed. "Don't my kind of people get paid for keeping their identity a secret?"

"I'm not fucking with you, give me your name." The man rolled his eyes.

"How about no?"

Emma pulled a combat knife from her thigh sheath and threw it at the man. He shot the taser just as the knife impaled his throat. Emma fell again and slammed her head hard enough to pass out this time.

Emma woke up in a chair. Her arms were tied behind her back. A grease rag stopped her from being able to speak.

"Ah, you're awake!" A different man came and kneeled down to her level. "We need answers. You're not leaving until we get them."

Emma rolled her eyes.

"I'm Thomas Michaels." He said. "Now, why would I be giving you my name? Fair question. I'm gonna kill you by the end of this anyway."

Emma kicked Thomas.

"Ow!" He grabbed his shin. "Let me get my plan done."

Emma kicked him again.

"Fine." Thomas rolled his eyes and took the rag off of her mouth.

"Motherfucker." Emma spit in his face. "Just let me go and you might live."

"You're the one tied in the chair." Thomas backed up so he wouldn't get kicked again.

"I'm also the one trained by an amazing woman named Jean Grey." Emma stared darts at Thomas. "And you better be pretty damn sure she taught me how to get out of a fucking chair."

"I don't know who the fuck that is." Thomas crossed his arms. "Can I get to my fucking point or not?"

"Be my guest." Emma sighed.

"We do have those S.H.I.E.L.D. files if that's what you came for." Thomas leaned against a table full of tools. It also had Emma's weapons belt. "We're using them to make it seem like S.H.I.E.L.D is planning on sabotaging what's left of the Avengers."

"You won't be able to do it." Emma glared at him. "I'll stop you."

Emma began to grow nervous. She expected someone to be there for her by now, but no one has shown up. She searched her wrist, but the watch was gone.

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