12. Six Months Apart? Never Again.

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Emma left the salon with her best friend, Paige. She wanted a new hairstyle for her nineteenth birthday, so she got it cut to her shoulders and dyed dark brown. She also got her makeup done while she was there because Paige is throwing her a birthday party.

Emma met Paige after she moved seats in Chemistry. They were inseparable from the start. Paige knows everything about Emma from how she's colorblind to her being a mutant from another universe. Of course Paige didn't believe she was a mutant until Emma refroze her slushie one day.

"Oh, I invited the boys from Alpha Beta Kappa." Paige noted as the girls walked to the subway to get to Paige's upscale home out of the city.

"Them out of all people?" Emma raised an eyebrow at her best friend. "They're the biggest dicks on campus."

"They also have the biggest dicks on campus." Paige smirked. "I've been with half of them and let me to you, you're in for a wild ride with Darren Wilson. Captain of the wrestling team. Twelve bodies."

"No, no, I'm not looking for a hookup." Emma shook her head. "I haven't had sex in so long, I think I forgot how."

"That's why you should hook up with Darren." Paige laughed a little, sitting beside a sketchy man. Emma stood up to avoid human interaction. "He knows how to show a good time."

"I'm not fucking interested in Darren." Emma sighed.

"How about Willow from Delta Gamma?" Paige wiggled her eyebrows. "I heard she's been with half the sororities and fraternities."

"Again, I'm not fucking anyone at the party." Emma ignored the looks people were giving her. "I don't wanna fuck anyone else until marriage, actually."

"Did your last one night stand get arrested or something?" Paige batted her eyelashes.

"He got released." Emma rolled her eyes. "He was fucking innocent."

"Come on, Emma." Paige smiled as they got to their destination. "My sister already started it. She couldn't wait."

"I guess not." Emma stopped in her tracks when she saw the big house almost vibrating from the loud music. She didn't really like that kind of music.

"Hell yeah!" Paige cheered before running off into the midst of all the horny young adults.

"Hey, Emma."

Emma turned around to see Ned waving. She smiled and jogged to him.

"Hey, Ned, how've you been?" Emma asked, going in the house.

"Good." Ned nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I broke up with that girl I was with."

"Oh, that's too bad." Emma frowned. "Do you mind telling me why?"

"She was arrested and put in the Pentagon." Ned said. "Turns out she was holding these S.H.I.E.L.D files that she wasn't supposed to have."

"Oh shit." Emma mumbled, remembering the night she and Peter got Sara arrested.

"What is it?" Ned asked, looking at Emma with worry.

"Um, nothing." Emma gave him a fake smile. "I, um, have to go get drunk. For my party."

"Okay." Ned narrowed his eyes at the girl in front of him. "Well, I'm gonna find Peter."

"Okay." Emma nodded quickly before running to the kitchen to get shit faced.


Well, Emma did what she said she'd do. She went to the kitchen, drank a few bottles of whatever shitty beer the guys had brought in, and now she's dancing with at least six frat guys.

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