4) 'home with you'

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"You're nothing short of perfect"

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"You're nothing short of perfect"

Third person:
Time, 7:30

Y/N decided to meet up with the butterfly pillar after training with Kanao. Finally arriving at their destination, they finally made it to her lab.

"Well finally! I've been waiting here for quite a while. Now let's work on your poison skills we have a lot to make!" The queen explained as she turned her back away from Y/N leading them inside her office.

"It was only 5 minutes," Y/N told the cheerful spirit. "That's a bad mindset, you have to always be on time. Do you think a demon will wait five minutes? I don't think so" she scolded as she prepared the lab.

It was a white room with wooden frames. There were many seats and magnifying glasses spread throughout the room. There seemed to be a garden planting wisteria as well as many other plants.

"Well what do you think?" Shinobu asked hugging Y/N from behind. Their faces were 1 centimeters apart as both of them had gotten flustered.

"Oh uh sorry about that, oh Um look outside! We better get working" the girl spoke as she ran towards the lab equipment.

Y/N followed after the girl as Y/N created the poisons used for their breath.

Y/N was completely focused on their work as Shinobu just sat on the counter watching their every move.

"Wait how do you remember this? Hasn't it been 100 years?" The butterfly girl asked.

"Yeah, but when I was bored at my masters house I would just make poison with her all day. Thinking about her, makes me miss her though" Y/N mewled as they continued working on the poison.

The smile that was on Shinobu's face soon faded. 'Do they like her? Why is this bothering me so much?' She thought to herself as a voice disrupted her thoughts.

"How about you? Why did you learn how to make poison?" Y/N asked shocking the girl besides them. Though still focusing on the poison Y/N took a small glance at the girl.

The pillar leaned back against the walls. Her left arm feeling goosebumps with being so close to the window as she began to explain.

"When my sister died she told me to live a normal life. I kept explaining to her how I could get revenge but her eyes narrowed. She didn't say the words but they were there. I've always been weak, and short. Maybe if I wasn't I would've been able to save her. So I use my smarts to my advantage, I make poison though it's not my favorite thing. It helps take my mind off of stuff and why I hate your kind," she grieved.

"Wow Im really sorry about that, sometimes I wish I wasn't a demon since they do all these things. That's the main reason why I use poison rather then normal slaying. Is that selfish? I mean you wanting to slay and me having the advantages of doing so," Y/N asked.

"I wouldn't say that, I'm happy with my poison work I really am! I wish I could've been stronger in that moment, enough about me! I wanna know more you you" she cheered trying to get the topic off of her.

"Well what do you want to know?" Y/N asked genially curious about the girls intentions.

"Well why do you hate demons? Your practically are one and how did you become one?" She questioned.

"Simple those tie up together, when I was 18 he had came and attack both me and my brother. He had slaughtered my brother in front of me as he injected blood into me causing me to being sick as he destroyed my blood cells. I think he was trying to over fill me but couldn't even fill me up to the right amount since the sun was rising. That being said I was taken into Tamayo's care who is a demon doctor. She transformed me into a demon since there was no other way for me to survive. Though I was asked if I wanted to, I always regret saying yes" Y/N announced.

"Wait but why do regret saying yes?" The cheerful girl asked.

"Well demons are creatures who don't deserve-to be on this earth for hurting everyone, I wish we would go instinct but looks like we'll never know," Y/N said as they finished up their work.

"Well I don't regret not killing you, you're nice to have around!" The girl cheered as blush rose on her cheeks. "Are you sure your not sick?" Y/N asked.

"Im Sure! Just embarrassed being so nice to such a creature" she teased as Y/N laughed.

"Pft I feel hurt," Y/N played around with the girl.

Hours went by of just Y/N and the insect pillar playing around with each other but it was time for Y/N to go back to their room due to the sun.

"I'll come visit you later! I have many patients to take care of as well as a meet with master" Shinobu explained as her as her lilac eyes sparkled meeting with the demon.

"Okay! I'll see you later!" Y/N waved as they turned the hall not being in Shinobu's sight.

'Did I really catch feelings for a demon?' Shinobu thought to herself as she became disappointed but happy knowing that there are nice demons out there.
Flashback to Giyuu's gaiden

"Demon hunters? So you slaughter demons?" Asked a girl.

"Please don't phrase it like we're executing people. We only kill the evil demons. If a demon who has never once eaten a human, and chooses to starve itself to death exists, I will take them in and I will give them my cherished love until I die," the insect pillar explained as she sighed.

"I guess things do work out,"

A/N: not me writing these in class while writing an essay for class. Anyways I do recommend reading Giyuu's Gaiden! I feel like it shows Shinobu being gay a lot which makes me feel so much better about simping for her. I did get the flashback from the book so like here's my proof she said it I guess.

 I did get the flashback from the book so like here's my proof she said it I guess

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