10) Lifetime

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Word count: 1106

"In Another life, I would be your girl

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"In Another life, I would be your girl. We' d keep all out promises, be us against us world"
-The One That Got Away: Katy Perry


(My English sucks since my mom has been making me speak Spanish to improve😐)

It's been 3 months after the final battle. Everyone is happy living their lives with their loved ones, yet I'm here waiting for mine.

Kocho was gone and there was nothing I could do to bring her back.

If only I was stronger.

If only I had created a plan.

I was sitting at the beach where we had our first date. Reminiscing about our love that isn't gone until my last breath.

I was holding the tin she gave me scared to open it. I was shaking tremendously as I held the rusty metal can.

I spun the cap to open it as a huge wave crashed. "You're watching me aren't you?" I laughed at the thought.

Imagine ghost Shinobu watching me. She would most likely haunt me.

I went back on track and grabbed what seemed to be a paper note.

"For my love!" The folded part said as I giggled.

"You're so stupid" I whispered opening the actual note reading the last words of hers.

"Dear Y/N,

If you're reading this I'm most likely dead. I've been planning my death for the last months with Kanao because I didn't want to worry you.

Anyways I fell in love with a demon named L/N Y/N. I was having a rough month due to my sisters passing. You knew she passed away yet you didn't treat me differently.

I promised myself if I ever met a demon who wouldn't eat a human I would care for them until my last breath. I guess my promises are correct except when I said I would stay with you forever.

I will always love you <3 in another lifetime I will be there to hold you close. I will protect you from all the bad days and people. I will be the one to kiss you.

I don't wanna say wait for me, but give me a chance. I hate writing this on paper since you truly deserve a real life confession.

With love, Kocho Shinobu"

"I'll wait, Even if it takes another lifetime"


It's been 20,00 years, I've still been waiting for her yet she hasn't came by.

"Do you think they'll ever come back?" I asked Yushiro who was painting by my left side as I laid on a bed with a magazine.

"She promised you she would so I don't doubt it," he answered not taking his eyes off his canvas.

"What are you painting this time?" I questioned. Lately he's been painting Tamayo so he wouldn't forget her face.

"Well you take a look! Tell me does it look like her?" He asked happily waiting for me to look.

I got out of bed and walked over to his shoulder.

My eyes watered as I hugged the boy. "Thank you! It looks exactly like her" I sobbed as the picture he painted wasn't Tamayo. It was Shinobu holding flowers from a cherry tree.

"We'll I wouldn't be able to do this without your babbling" he teased as I let go over him and began to faun over the painting.

"Can you do me a favor and get a picture frame? There's a craft store next to Kimestu High" he asked me as I nodded yes.

"Why wouldn't I? You made this amazing piece for me!" I agreed as I got out the room and made it out the door.

I left his home and took a left to the craft store.

"Hey L/N! You here for Yushiro again?" A boy name Yoshiteru asked.

He had similar features to the thunder boy I fought with in the past though I don't recall his name... something with a Z?

Anyways this kid had black hair and seemed to have the same personality as the thunder boy.

"Ah yes! Shouldn't you be in class right now?" I asked the boy since it was early in the morning.

"I'm on lunch, but I heard the shop has some snacks so I came here since it's closer than the gas station" he answered kindly as I walked over to the frame section of the store.

I chose out the 6 by 4 inch frame since the painting wasn't that big.

I walked out to the door and said goodbye to the teen.

I crossed the street and walked towards the school since to go home I have to walk past the school.

'Shit! Where are my keys' I panicked checking my bag/pockets. I was rummaging around not paying attention in front of me as something hit me.

A beautiful petite girl with a small frame stood in front of me as my eyes widened.

"She had amazing black hair with purple tips which was tied into a bun using a butterfly clip.She has lilac eyes that remind me of a wisteria field". [1]

She looked up at me blushing reminding me of the day I made Shinobu red during the Hashira meeting.

I chuckled at the girl as my eyes became watery.

"Im sorry! Are you okay?" She asked with a kind smile. The same smile that she died to.

"Oh im fine!" I answered a tear streamed down my cheek.

"Are you sure? You're crying," she has a concerned look on her face as I continued staring in disbelief.

"I'm okay! Actually I was wondering if you wanted to hang out one day? I know it's random but I've been feeling upset and a friend would probably be better than just me crying in my room all day" I joked around with the girl as she chuckled.

"That would be great! The only people I talk to are my sisters and their getting on my nerves" She joked along as I grabbed my phone implying for her number. She wrote the digits down as she checked the time.

"Have a good day!" She ran off in a hurry as I stared at her slowly loosing her sight.

"You kept your promise"

A/N: Thanks for the reading! It's been a sad and angsty journey and I'm very grateful for you guys! Anyways Y/N and Kocho do end up together! And Shinobu does keep her "I will hold you, protect you, and confess to you" promise as told!

Anyways thank you for the support on the book! I love you all <333333

(I'm also very tempted on drawing Yushiros painting 👀)

(I'm also very tempted on drawing Yushiros painting 👀)

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