CHAPTER 24: Am I To Blame?

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||CHAPTER 24: Am I To Blame||


"Kate?" I mutter, feeling guilt building more and more inside.

"You can stop the innocent act Tia, because it won't fool me." She said, gritting her teeth. "You give the impression of a good girl to trick those around, but I knew from the beginning that it was a lie. It's frustrating because people such as, Faith, Clark can't see past the terrible little performance."

"Kate please....I promise. I did not want Logan to get-"

Kate brought her index finger in the air, thus stopping me from talking. "Don't." She murmurs, her glare hardening. "Don't start with, I didn't want Logan to get hurt. Your plan from the start was to hurt Logan, remember? You do not care that he's in the hospital because you are a heartless bitch." Now, she was standing close with her frame pressing against me. "You don't care about others, but yourself." A smug smirk began forming on her face. "I bet that's the reason Andre Alessandro left...."

I froze. "H-How?" I whisper, stopping the tears that were threatening to overflow.

"I might've been a little curious about the great Tia Frederick's past." Her arms cross over her chest as she kept staring at me with a malicious glint in her eyes. "Once upon a time, Tia was at a billionaire's Christmas event, and there she met Andre Alessandro. Considering Andre was a loser." She stopped, "Well to be specific, a nerd, she became friends with Andre and in a short time because him and Tia had feelings for one and another, the two became a couple. However, once Andre was popular, he started forgetting about Tia. Instead, he began spreading rumors, breaking hearts, drinking, smoking and last but not the least, drugs. Tia at first was heartbroken, though because she was an optimistic person, she learnt to forget about him. But, on the twentieth of November, there was an interesting news on TV...."

I began feeling faint, as memories of that dreadful night started running through. "P-Please stop." I breathe, as tears escape. "Please Kate....I don't want to remember that night."

I hear her sigh, "I'll stop Tia, but on one condition."

I look at Kate, before nodding. "Whatever it is, I'll follow through."

"Stop talking to Logan, and stop seeing him, because the moment you step into his life, it's been nothing but havoc for him. He's been getting into trouble, fights, and I want his problems to stop."

"I-I don't understand."

"You wouldn't because he hasn't said a word....I said I wouldn't tell, therefore I won't because I hate breaking promises. Though I will give a little hint, it revolves around Jason, and the date."


The Date

I turn around, before looking at Logan's sleeping form, 'You weren't telling me the truth....'

"Furthermore, don't tell Logan about our little deal because the consequences will be harsh. For example, I'll tell Logan, and the whole college about little Tia's past."

I shiver at the thought of Logan and West Midland's college knowing, "I-I won't break our deal Kate, I promise."

"Good Girl."

Without a second word, she left Logan's room.

The minute I saw the door close, I break into tears. "I-I wish I was nicer from the beginning. I wish I wasn't harsh or a bitch but Logan....You keep refreshing memories of Andre, I don't want to remember. I'll be honest that I don't want to stop seeing or talking. God, I can't believe I'm confessing but whenever you're around I feel safe, and comfort. N-No I am not in love because after Andre, I refuse to love someone. However, I know you're someone I care for....Therefore if us apart, is stopping the problems, I will."

I place a gentle kiss on his forehead, before leaving.



Next day.

"This morning, I read the results, and I am very happy. However I would like you to take a break. I'll give you a Doctor's certificate, no college for a week and definitely no partying." He said, in a serious manner. "You don't want to overexert yourself. After a week, visit Doctor Peter because there he'll run the last check-up. Understood?"

"I understand but I have a little question?" When he didn't speak, I continue. "I-Is Logan-"

"Darling, Logan is in perfect condition and in the morning at around six, he woke from his coma."

The minute I hear that he's awake, I felt the urge to visit him but I knew I couldn't because of the promise. 'Thank goodness'

I smile, before standing. "Oh that's great news. Though I suppose I should leave now, because Alex is waiting in the hospital's canteen."

"You aren't visiting Logan?"

He question stopped me from leaving the room. "I-I...."

"Tia." He said, emitting a long, deep audible breath expressing disappointment. Standing from his office chair, he took several steps toward his goldfish bowl. "You mustn't blame yourself because Logan told me the story."

"I am to blame Doctor because if I wasn't a careless idiot, Logan wouldn't be here in the first place!" I exclaim, "I know I can't see him because I'd feel guilt, and I know he's mad because I am the reason he is in the hospital. I am the reason, he was close to death."

He came close, and once he was near, he places his hand on my shoulder. "Tia, sweetheart." He interrupted, "That isn't true. Logan isn't mad, nor will he ever be. When a person's in love or cares about someone, he or she will risk their life in order to keep that person safe." He whispered, running his hand across my head, over and over in attempt to sooth me. "You must visit him because I know he's waiting."

"I will."

When Doctor George led me to the door, I leave the room. As I arrive outside Logan's room, I stop when I hear the sound of cries, and laughter. "Oh Logan...." I smile when I overhear the sound of his deep, alluring voice.

"Mum?" I hear, "Where is Tia....You said she'd be here when the doctor's over with the check-up but I want to see her."

"Patience man, these stupid test are forever but I'll leave and bring her here." Lucas said, chuckling.

"Good because knowing her, she'll avoid me."

I gasp. 'I swear he knows we're listening'

As soon as I hear Lucas's footsteps approach the door, I run.

I kept running and running through the corridor, and down the staircase because using the elevator is an amateur's move.

When I was on the ground floor, I keep walking forward, in the direction of the canteen where Alex was.

"Alex...." I feign a smile, once I see him sitting at a table, texting.

He stood before placing his phone into his pocket. "I believe you've seen Logan?"

"Yes. Yes, I have."


I know I shouldn't be telling Alex lies, and I shouldn't be a coward but, a promise is a promise.

Therefore, I must avoid Logan Sutherland.



THANK YOU, to those who support me! Whenever I see "The Nerd Is A PLAYER" recieve more and more attention, I squeal because I couldn't be more grateful.

Question Time!

Were YOU right with the person YOU chose?


Do YOU think that Kate is right, and that Tia should stop seeing Logan?

Comment YOUR answer! I love reading, and responding!

Don't forget to....


Love, E. V. M.


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