CHAPTER 19: Secrets

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||CHAPTER 19: Secrets||


It is the 3rd of May, and I am happy.

'It might seem crazy what I'm about to say

Sunshine she's here, you can take a break

I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space

With the air, like I don't care baby by the way'

"Because I'm happy." I start to sing with Pharrel Williams, pretending that the brush was a microphone. "Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof-" I open my mouth to sing the next line. But all of a sudden, the song stopped.

"Please stop because your singing is making the neighbors complain, Frederick." I heard that arrogant tool say.

"Excuse me Mister Logan Sutherland but I have a fantastic voice." I rebut, frowning after placing the hairbrush on my dressing table. "Isn't that right Misty?" I smile, looking at the little kitten. Her adorable little ears twitch when I say her name, but she doesn't respond. Instead, she stretches her small paws, cuddling further onto the rectangular red, Manchester United pillow I stole from Logan's room.

"My little baby agrees with her Daddy." Logan walks into the room, before leaning on the wall, peering at me. "But, you look rather happy."

"I am." I lie, looking into the mirror, whilst brushing mascara onto my eyelashes. "Remember that date I cancelled last week. Well, I reschedule it for four o'clock."

That person, whose name I had forgotten, is picking me up at around 4 o'clock, and at the moment is, was around 3:30 PM.

"It's going to be fun!" I feign enthusiasm.

On the inside, I couldn't help but smirk. You see, last night, I came up with a foolproof plan. First, I was going to start blasting fun and cheerful music. Why? Because I had a feeling Logan would barge in, questioning my actions. Next, I was going to talk about the date I was meant to go on last week. The reason was because I was hoping Logan would get furious, and once again, tell me that I can't go because then, it would give me a chance to ask him. The second reason might be because I want to make Logan Sutherland jealous. That's correct, I hadn't forgotten about our bet.

"The date?" He straightened himself.

'Here it comes.' I thought. "He's about to shout at me in three, two, on-'


"Look Logan, I-" I stop, narrowing my eyes at him. "Wait what.... Cool?"

"Yes. You said it yourself, you're seventeen and I can't control your life." He said, with no hint of anger in his voice, or on his face. He was rather, calm? The worse part, the asshole was smirking. I had to strong urge to strangle him, or hit him with a sock.... with a brick inside.

This wasn't going according to plan. He was meant to become furious! He was meant to stop me from going on the date! "B-But the last time. You said that I shouldn't go!" I exclaim, brushing the non-existent dirt off the plain, blue long sleeve top I was wearing.

"Yes I did.." Logan confirmed, nodding his head. "However, after our fight, it made me realize how disgusting and toxic my behavior was. It is your mind, your body. Therefore your choice." He took a deep breath, sitting on my bed. "I don't want us to fight again, especially over me being controlling." Either I was imagining it, or Logan was rather hesitant, much like the previous time.

I turn to face the door when I heard Belle's voice. "Tia." She sang in a playful manner, "Your date is here."

"What? I said four o'clock." I grumble, looking at the mirror to see if whether or not I look decent. "I look horrible."

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