CHAPTER 32: Caught [PART 1]

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||CHAPTER 32: Caught [PART 1] ||


5th of November, 2014. 

"Gorgeous, wake up."  

I hear a deep, familiar, masculine voice mutter as he shook me back and forth in order to wake me. Now because I did not want to listen, I turn over to the left, hoping he'd leave me alone and allow me to sleep further.  

He didn't.  

Once more, he started rocking me back and forth, "Tia Frederick, please wake up or else we'll be late for school, love."  

I groan. "I don't want to." I whine, as I wiggle further to the left.  

I hear him sigh, "Fine. I suppose I'll eat the chocolate chip muffin I bought, alone."  

Without a second thought, I spring into the sitting position. "No." I said, looking at Ian before looking at the light brown packaging in his right hand. I lead forward, about to take the packaging from him but before I can, he took a step backward.  

Ian shook his head 'No', "First have a shower and then, we can eat breakfast."  

I frown, "Fine." I mutter, with a pout.  

"Good girl." He said, pressing his lips against mine for a short moment, before leaving the room.  

In a gentle manner, I move to the edge of the bed. "This is irritating." I grumble, as I lean forward to grab one crutch. After placing the crutch under the right arm, I balance a little before grabbing the second one, I place it under the left arm. Pressing each crutch closer, I push down on the hand grip, before moving an inch forward, in direction of the bathroom.  

When I enter the bathroom, I stop in front the mirror. I release a short puff of air, before leaning against the white bathroom sink for further support. Once I feel as though I have a good balance, I place the crutches to the right, "Alright." I sigh, balancing a little because hopping to the shower cubicle. Inside, Alex had kept a black chair in order for me to sit whilst I shower.  

When I finish adjusting the hot and cold knob, I sit onto the black chair. I breathe out in happiness as I feel the warm water. "I could sleep in here forever."  

'Remember you can't because Ian has the chocolate chip muffin with him.' 

At the thought of the chocolate chip muffin, I sigh. "He better not eat the muffin or I'm killing him."  

When I finish showering, I turn off the knob in the shower. Standing straight, I lean against the glass, thus balancing myself. "I can't wait until I can walk." I grumble as I step outside the large cubicle.  

With caution, I take a small hop over toward where I'd kept the crutches. Taking a deep breath, I fell forward a little before leaning on to the sink counter. Afterwards, I grasp a hold of one crutch, before placing it under the left arm. Since the second crutch was a little further, I took a small step in front, taking the crutch, I place in under the right arm.  

Without a towel, I step outside the bathroom, needing to be next to the bed. When I was close, I collapse onto the bed. However when I hear a little tweet, I sit straight. "I wonder...." Bending at an angle, before seizing the phone. Swiping to the right, I first enter the unlock pin, before opening the message.  

From: MY NERD  
'Good morning beautiful Princess'

In the start, his contact name was 'Logass'. Clever, isn't it? But, whilst he was tutoring me at his house, he started looking through my phone.  

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