Author's Note 3

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Forgive me but, this is not an update.

FIRSTLY, I'd like to speak about a small but hurtful issues.

Let's begin!

YES, the book is complete.

NO, there isn't going to be another [secret] update.

I understand, the last chapter was disappointing and saddening. HOWEVER, that does NOT give YOU the right – as a reader – to be rude to me or comment hurtful words. As the author of the book, it is MY decision, not YOURS. When I write a book I have a plan from the beginning to the end and I follow it, no matter what.

The reason I wrote the book was because I felt the need to teach people a lesson or two. For example,

In life, or love – if it's meant to happen, it will because there isn't ALWAYS a HAPPY ENDING.

Similar to Tia, Do not let YOUR past, determine the future.

Do not wait for the last minute because YOU'LL regret it and keep thinking 'What if'.

Take the leap because – sometimes – it's worth the fall.

Last but not the least, DON'T GIVE UP without TRYING. Trust me, I did and I'll forever regret.

Please, respect the decision I have made instead of being rude to me because I do NOT deserve it.

SECONDLY, I'm going to answer the most popular question.


YES – like I said before, I plan from the beginning. [Click the external link]

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