CHAPTER 4: Throwing Challenges

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||CHAPTER 4: Throwing Challenges||


"You asshole. You're not meant to be here." I hiss, voicing out my thought.

The imbecile, had no right to be here because one, he was a nerd. Two, he didn't belong here. 'I knew I should've had a sign out in the front, no nerds.'

"We're here for the party as the others are, sweetheart." He said, with a smug look on his hideous face.

"You are not invited, Logan," I growl.

At that moment, the music had stopped, and once more, people were listening to Logan and I fighting.

"Babe, let's be honest, please. You and I know there weren't invitations to the party." He said, leaning closer, "What's the matter, beautiful? Can't stand me around?"

"Oh give me a break, I'm a player, remember?" I scoff. If this scum of this earth, thought he could affect me, he was mistaken. "A man as such as yourself is no match for Tia Frederick."

"I'm a player, remember?" Logan said, mocking me, as his eyes held amusement. I swear, he was waiting for me to explode. "You Tia, dear. You shouldn't categorize people because it's not nice. I mean...." He trails off for a moment, before continuing, "You are going to lose fans because Miss Frederick, there aren't a lot of people here who judge and stereotype others."

Yes, now I knew he was waiting for me to erupt like a volcano.

As I look around the room, I realize people start to whisper to the person next to them. 'Oh no, people are starting to agree with his statement.' I thought.

"I think because of the whispers, I am right because people around here are agreeing with me."

Great, he was right. There wasn't a doubt about it. However was I, The Tia Frederick willing to admit that?


"Tia, let's forget about him, he's not worth it," Matt said, softly, as his fingers laced with mine because I think he attempted to distance me from Logan.

"You're messing with the wrong girl." I bark, with a cold hard glare. I turn around to follow Matt but, Logan's next sentence made me stop.

"Believe me, I'm not frightened." He said, the smirk never leaving his face, "However, darling. You should be shaking in fear because if I ever think about you as my next target, you're going to be in trouble. After all, I'm a better player than you are."

"Oh no, no." He did not. Please, I am the greatest player in the world. I mean, I've had men want to be with me, and it didn't bother them if it was for a mere second. As long as he was with me, it was great. If there was a chance to be with me, men would take it in a heartbeat.

Men want Tia Frederick.

I seriously don't understand how Logan Sutherland is the player at St. Jude'ss College. I wonder whether or not the women here, are on drugs. He is ugly. Okay, maybe the part where I think he's ugly, is a lie. I guess, he did have nice eyes. But it isn't matter. He had a horrible fashion sense, he is irritating, at the bottom of the food chain, and a nerd. When I need a nerd, it's for school purposes.

I know, I'm being rude.

But, I don't care.

"What's the matter, has the cat got your tongue."

His irritating voice brought me back, and I turn around to face him. "Never, "

"Do I hear a challenge?" He beams, taking small steps closer before stopping about a meter further than me.

"It wasn't a challenge, Sutherland, it was the cold hard truth."

"We're on last-name terms." He said, letting out a short chuckle. "Oh my, and here I thought we were best friends."

"We will never be friends Sutherland, because we're different," I state, in a calm manner.

"Are you nervous, Princess?" He said, smirking, fixing the glasses on his face.

"Me? Nervous?" I laugh, in disbelief. "I would never be nervous, Logan." I emphasise the word, 'I'.

"Then, I have a thought in mind." Logan began. "Now, I am throwing a challenge in your direction, sweetheart." He said, closing the space between us. Logan's arms wrap around me, before bringing me closer, and against his body.

I glare at Logan, fiercely. "Let me go, asshole," I command, harshly. Logan's tall frame towers over mine with ease. "I said, let me go."

"No," He said, "I am talking and you will listen."

I scoff, "Logan, I do not need a challenge to prove I am better because let's be honest, I am." I gloat.

"That or someone is a little frightened of the challenge." He said, his voice teasing me.

Half the room erupted in laughter.

I am going to bury him.

"On second thought, challenge accepted." I smirk, "However, when I am the winner of your little challenge, don't cry."

"Honestly speaking," He said, "I think you are beautiful," Naturally, "However, at the end of the day, you are arrogant and selfish." Fucking asshole. "Here's my challenge, in simple words..." Why am I nervous? "The first one, to fall in love and say "I love you", loses their title."

I bit my lip hard, drawing blood out. My glare towards him hardens, "A walk in the park, right Princess?" he chuckled, light-heartedly.

"Trust me, you're going to lose Sutherland."

He moved closer, leaning in. "We'll see Frederick. We'll see." He placed a quick peck on my lips before exiting the place.


Hello, hello you lovely people.

How are you?


Love, E. V. M

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