CHAPTER 13: Bad Timing

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||CHAPTER 13: Bad Timing||


This was unreal. I had to live with Logan Sutherland for a month.

A month, a month of pure torture!

Belle had a grin on her face when she looked at me, "But Dad, Tia and Logan already know each other, especially after they-" Laura covered her sister's mouth with her hand before Belle could speak further.

"Especially after they go to the same school." Laura added, as she smiles at me knowingly. Her parents give Laura a confused look but they don't question her actions. "It's nice to meet you Tia." She said, pretending that this was our first time meeting.

I mentally sighed, "Nice to meet you too Laura." I nodded my head. I owed this girl my life. It would have been embarrassing if Clark and Faith knew I had locked lips with their son.

Not once, but a several times.

"Now Logan sweetheart, could you show Tia around the house." It wasn't a request but a demand from his mother. Now I was a stubborn person, and didn't like it when people demanded me. However his mother sounded quite pleasant when she demanded him. I know I wouldn't refuse her.

With no questions asked. Logan guided me out the living room, before leading me up the stairs. Once we were on the second floor, Logan spoke. "Well who knew you'd be the girl living with us." Logan chuckled. "A month Tia, a month you'll be living here. This should be interesting."

"Oh it definitely would be. I have to ask, were you adopted because you're nothing like your family members." I retorted.

In a swift movement, he turns around. "Don't mess with me Tia, I could easily strike." I mentally gulped. It was true, I was at his house. His territory. Right now the playing field wasn't even. Here, Logan was the predator, and I was his prey. I shouldn't let my guard down because that would be my first mistake.

Logan's sudden action made me break away from my thoughts. He had my body pressed up against the wall, leaving no space for me to escape. "My dear little Tia, today you have stepped over the limit." He stated, as his fingers rake through my soft, brown hair. "First you invite me, seduce me, turn me on, and then leave me hanging. It wasn't very nice. I had to depend on a desperate whore." Now I know why he didn't return.

"Poor little baby." I cooed patting his head. "He had to run to a desperate girl because that is all he can get."

"I can get any girl I want, including you." Before I could respond to his ridiculous statement. He leaned forward slowly, his hand brushing the hair out of my face and in an instant his lips were on mine. At once our mouths were moving in sync. The kiss was rough and filled with need. Logan had his arms around my waist as he brought my body closer. Instinctively I wrap my arms around his neck. My heartbeat increased and my breathing faltered. I let my body relax in his hold.

I hated myself, hated myself for giving in. I never fought back, I always surrendered. I felt like a hypocrite, I said I hated nerds that they were beneath me. Yet, here I was kissing a nerd. A kiss I could refuse but my mind and body wouldn't let me. "I love kissing you." He moaned. His tongue traces my bottom lip, asking me for entrance. Again, I gave in without a fight. He plunged his tongue into my parted lips greedily. I moan softly as my head tilts up, thus breaking the kiss. However this doesn't stop Logan, he places hungry kisses on my bare neck. Time to time his teeth would graze my skin. His kisses were going to leave a mark on my skin.

No, I have to stop. I can't let him be right. Logan was not going to get me. I won't make it easy; I have to refuse his kisses. "Logan, stop, please stop." I breathed out.

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