The Hierophant

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Joseph: What's the deal with this cramped room? This is why I hate Japan, Avdol, and Y/N, how can you stand this?

Y/N: It's alright, I've slept in much worse

Avdol: It is quite fascinating... This thing they call "the tea ceremony"

Joseph: Tea ceremony, nothing... Instant coffee is plenty good!

Y/N: If you say so, old man

Joseph makes himself a cup of instant coffee in a teacup

Avdol: By the way, about DIO... Mr. Joestar, now that we know of his existence, wouldn't it be safe to assume that he knows about us, as well?

Joseph: Indeed, but if we don't know what he's going to do, or even know what his powers are... Gah! Japanese coffee tastes terrible!

Avdol: Uh Mr. Joestar, that's the American kind we brought

Joseph: Hmph!

You just chuckle in response

Y/N: You're a real piece of work, old man

Joseph: It just wasn't done right

Y/N: It's instant coffee... How is it not done right?

You just shake your head at him

Avdol: So Y/N, what is it like in Italy?

Y/N: It's beautiful really... It's just not the same as when I was a kid, they have a real mob problem I think

Avdol: I'm sorry to hear that

Y/N: Me too

Joseph: So how does Japan compare?

Y/N: You know it's not as great as Italy, but they do have some pretty women in Japan... I met my current wife here... Not that you would know anything about it, old man

Joseph begins to sweat

Y/N: What? Was it something I said?

Joseph: Oh um nothing... So Y/N, do you have any siblings? Or uhh...

Y/N: Nope, none... But I do have some children

Joseph: Ohh... What are their names?

Y/N: I named one of them Junior after me... I don't know what my ex-wife named the other one... Lee or something was it?

Joseph: You don't know your own son's name?!

Y/N: Let's just say we're not on speaking terms... But I do have a son in Japan now though

He says nervously with sweat dripping down

Joseph: Oh... Um how wonderful

Avdol: Mr. Joestar, are you alright? Your face is red

Joseph: It's um, nothing I'm fine

Y/N: My first marriage failed because of my work... Since then I've tried to balance them both out, but in the end, it's proved almost futile

Joseph: What was your work?

Y/N: Oh, that... I'm kinda like an explorer similar to Indian Jones

Joseph: What do you search for?

Y/N: The many wonders that is our bizarre world... I assume you're aware of the stone mask?

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