Prowlers Resolve

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The loathsome curse of DIO... Even the Speedwagon Foundation's doctors, who have the latest medical technologies, stand powerless before DIO's curse... In order to save Holly, JoJo, Y/N, and crew head toward faraway Egypt, in order to avoid danger they travel by sea rather than air, heading first to Singapore...

The crew rests on a ship sailing across the sea

Joseph: To get from Hong Kong to Singapore, we'll be on the water for three full days... Well, let's relax and keep our spirits up, but seriously, guys...

He points at Jotaro and Kakyoin who rest on beach chairs with their school uniforms on

Joseph: Can't you do something about those school uniforms? You're going to continue our journey wearing those? Isn't it ridiculously hot?

Joseph says while wearing a striped sailor's shirt

Kakyoin: Well, we are students... And students should behave as students, but I suppose that sounds like a stretch...

Jotaro: Hmph...

Joseph: Hmph! Japanese students are such stiffs

Y/N: I'm sure you'd rather they wear that revolting shirt of yours

Joseph: This is cool!! You don't understand style!!

Y/N: By style you mean a crop top and a scarf? At least that's what my old man mentioned

Joseph: That bastard

He says raising a fist

Avdol: I see... So this is Bushido, once you clear your mind, even fire seems cool

Polnareff: But you know, girls won't fall for stiffs like you

You all overhear some ruckus

!?: Let go! Let go of me! You big lug!

Sailor: Shut up!

!?: Damn it, let go of me! Let me go!

A sailor struggles with a little who's throwing a fit

Joseph: Hey, what's going on? I thought we agreed there'd be no passengers on our boat

Sailor: I'm sorry, it's a stowaway... The brat was hiding in storage down below

Joseph: A stowaway?

The others walk over as the boy screams

!?: Come at me if you're gonna! I'll kick your balls in!

Sailor: I'll turn you into the naval police

!?: What? The police!? Please let me go! I just want to go see my dad in Singapore, I'll do anything! You can work me as hard as you want!

He pulls on the brat's face

Sailor: Let's see, what should I do? Should I let you go? What should I do?

He flicks their face

Sailor: I'm not gonna let you go after all, hell no... First, I'm gonna go let the Captain know, so come wit--

The kid bites into the arm before he can finish talking and jumps off the boat into the Sea

Polnareff: Whoa! He jumped in! Talk about energetic

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