Monkey Man

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In a dark and mysterious mansion stands DIO looking at himself in the mirror as the room is lit up with a dimly lit candle

DIO: Enyaba, there's something I'd like to ask you, what does it mean to live?

The ugly-looking witch replies

Enyaba: To obtain what one desires, to put it simply, that is all it means to live, people want money, they want fame, they want food, they want love, they want a lover...

She laughs

DIO: But when they attempt to obtain what they desire there is always a battle, is there not, Enyaba?

Enyaba: Indeed

DIO leans forward, his gaze penetrating

DIO: Have you heard of a man named Enrico Pucci?

She paused, her brow furrowing in thought

Enyaba: Pucci... Yes, I am familiar with the name, was he not one of your trusted followers?

Smirking faintly he says

DIO: Indeed, he is... But he's more than just a follower... Pucci possesses a vision, a vision to obtain a world remade into his image

Her eyes widened with realization

Enyaba: A world remade in his image... What do you mean, Master Dio?

DIO: Pucci sought to unlock the secrets of a power known as Heaven, he believes that by obtaining this power, we could reshape reality itself, ushering in a new era of my perfection

Gasping softly Enyaba says

Enyaba: Heaven... A power of such magnitude is beyond comprehension!

He nods

DIO: Indeed, but the mere fact that such power exists is a testament to the boundless potential of the human spirit...

Enyaba: But what of Pucci? Is he still a factor in our plans?

Smirking he says

DIO: Pucci is still trying to find Heaven... He is the only candidate who can reach it... It's important he stays out of this battle... He's too important to me to put into harm's way

Enyaba: But we already have seven Stand users, The Empress, The Hanged Man, Strength, The Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, The Emperor, and Ebony Devil on the move... You need not worry about him taking action, Lord Dio

DIO: Perhaps, you're right... But I would like to know what Twilight Prowler's ability really is... Or maybe by taking that disc

Enyaba: No, they'll figure it out after killing him!!

He smiles as the scene fades to black, leaving behind the mansion and heading back to the Crusaders

Y/N: This sure is strange

Avdol: I'd never of expected to find a ship out here

Y/N: I know, that's why it's so strange... I've got a bad feeling about this

Polnareff: Oh come on you're not scared are you? It's a boat

Y/N: We Zeppeli's fear nothing... I'd suggest you change your attitude towards me or I'll have to fix it, you frog

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