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So we're pretty much here only like one chapter left of Battle Tendency and we're on to part 3, soon I'll have finally finished Battle Tendency book after like almost two years back in 2021 I didn't think it would take that long I just got lazy I guess with the updates, the main problem was not having a plan for part 2 all I knew is a wanted to start at that part because not many others did and I still think it's underrated, I never started at Part 1 because I had no ideas for that part maybe in the future I'll write a prequel book about it but at the moment I'm looking forward toward the following parts

Stardust Crusaders will follow the son of Y/N from Battle Tendency a proud Italian man just like his uncle as he goes on an adventure with Jotaro and the Crusaders to take down Dio and his henchmen, and lay down some of the groundwork for proceeding parts,

If you wanted to know I at least plan on writing up to part 6 at the very least hopefully 7 as well cause I have plans for that too, but we'll see how long it takes me just to finish the first couple, maybe even add an Eyes of Heaven like book where we team up from all the eras

I might take a break from this after finishing Battle Tendency to focus on other books but who knows...

Anyway I just wanted to get this book up and published to motivate myself to finally finish Battle Tendency with the final chapter which will tie in Part 2 and Part 3

JJBA: Stardust Crusaders x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now