Tower of Grey

330 11 5

At night a plane flies off from the airport flying past Narita, Bangkok, Abou, Dhabi, Kuwait, and Cairo just as a pale white hand with black nail polish is surrounded by purple vines reminiscent of Joseph's Hermit Purple slashes a camera gently, and out comes a polaroid picked up by him... Dio

Dio: As I thought... They have detected my location

In the photo are Jotaro and Joseph sitting inside a plane

Dio: Will you make it? To Egypt? Joseph and Jotaro...

Suddenly Joseph wakes up from his slumber pulling his hat off his face

Joseph: He saw us, I just felt Dio looking at us

Jotaro: Yeah...

Joseph: Stay on your guard, a new stand user could already be on this plane...

A few hours earlier...

Y/N: Hmm, this is the plan?

Kakyoin: I guess so...

You two wait as Joseph and Avdol buy tickets

Y/N: Planes, huh? I don't know

Kakyoin: What? Are you frightened by planes?

Y/N: I could care less, it just seems risky with all the civilians on deck... We don't know their abilities yet, the enemies could already have a plan to crash the plane down or alter the jets course all together

Kakyoin: I know what you mean, it's like we're walking in blind... And even worse they know our abilities

Y/N: I don't think they've figured mine out yet so far, so that's an advantage at the very least

Kakyoin: I never asked but what is your ability

Y/N: Oh that... I've been trying to keep it on the down low just in case

Kakyoin: Smart, I wish I could say the same if it wasn't for Dio

Y/N: (We've barely even known each other and he wants to know my ability, I should be careful around this guy, for all I know he's still on Dio's side)

Just then Jotaro walks up to you two

Jotaro: Hurry your asses up, quit yamering would ya... The planes going to take off without us

Y/N: On the way, problem child

Kakyoin lets out a small chuckle, before you all board the plane together and begin the long flight to Egypt, many hours later you and Kakyoin fall asleep in your seats only to be awoken by a strange sound, you two trade confused glances before looking around, you're able to notice a fly buzzing around on the airplane and eventually so do the others

Jotaro: A rhino beetle? No! It's a stag beetle!

He stands up concerned

Y/N: Avdol could that be a stand?

Joseph: Could Dio have already sent of of his men?

Avdol: It's possible... A stand that takes the form of an insect

Joseph: It hid in the shadow of the seats, where did it go?

Jotaro walks forward suddenly as the beetle tries to attack Kakyoin is able to anticipate its movements

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