The Big Iron On His Wrist

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Joseph: Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore... So now we're about to cross India... But, well, I'm a little worried I've always heard India is the land of curry and rampant disease...

Polnareff: I'm worried my stomach won't be able to handle the culture gap

Y/N: I think you'll live...

Avdol: Yes, that assessment is rather distorted, you needn't worry it is a beautiful country with wonderful people... That I assure you

Their boat reaches land and Avdol opens the door for you all

Avdol: Well, this is Calcutta... Let's get going

Soon you are surrounded by a crowd of people from all over who beg for money or something else

!?: Hey, give me a tip!

!?: Let me carry that for you!

!?: Want a tattoo? You're very pretty

!?: Need some anti-venom? It won't hurt your stomach!

!?: Let me show you my hotel!

Calcutta, India, In the 20th century, its population reached a million, and immense energy swirls about the city

!?: stepped in a pile of cow shit! Damn it!

Joseph: I don't need any-

Y/N: Please we're busy-

You're interrupted by them

Kakyoin: My wallet's already been stolen!

Joseph: I don't need any--

Y/N: Seriously, thank you, but no!

Some kids begin jumping on JoJo begging for money

!?: Tip! Tip! Tip! If you don't give me a tip, you won't go to heaven, sir

Polnareff pulls away his beg from them

Polnareff: Hey! Don't rub your nose all over my stuff!

Y/N: Avdol! So this is India?

Avdol: See? Great country, isn't it? They're what make India great, don't you think?

Later on, you're all sitting down inside an Indian restaurant

Avdol: Here, try this... This is chai, I think you'll find it to your liking

Chai, one of India's most popular drinks, a sweet concoction of black tea, sugar, ginger, and milk.

You take a sip of it and it tastes great

Y/N: At last, something normal

Avdol: Be patient with India, once you get used to it, you'll see how wonderful this country is

Y/N: Not too bad besides the beggars...

Jotaro: You know, I actually kinda like this place... It's pretty cool

Y/N: Coming from JoJo that has to mean something

You say taking another sip from your Chai

Joseph: What, Jotaro? You can't be serious?

Then Polnareff takes a sip of the Chai before sighing

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