Gone Wrong: Raph pt.2

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requested?: Nope!

Warnings: blood, cursing, mentions of pain, and experimenting

a//n: hey y'all!! this one may be a bit intense so just be cautious and aware!!


Turns out a lot could go wrong.

Everything was fine at first, Donnie applied the sludge to an old scar on your forearm, stating that it's matter consisted of 4% mutagen, 8% jalapeño juice, and a bunch of other chemicals that you didn't remember.

"Now, tell me if you start to feel any change or difference in your arm." You nodded, watching as the sludge jiggled on your arm. Donnie had his notes in his hand, ready to write as soon as something happened.

After a few minutes, you looked up at Don and shrugged. "Mm I don't feel any change. It just feels like there's a blob of slime sitting on my arm." You heard Donnie sigh, his chair swiveling as he faced his desk littered in tests. "What's it even supposed to do?"

"Well," he started, "When the sludge hits your skin, it's supposed to start tingling almost as if it's reconstructing cells. Which is the main point. It finds damaged cells and starts to rebuild them at a quick speed. I thought this could help with our missions and if we get injured badly, we could heal quicker. Maybe it was the jalapeño juice..." Donnie trailed off as he began to start writing down different components that might work.

You let out a breathy laugh, a small smile gracing your lips as the turtle got into his mad scientist mood.

Suddenly, a sharp pain went up your arm, making a gasp leave your lips as you squeezed your eyes shut. When you opened them, you looked around. Nothing had changed, the scar was gone, the sludge was gone-

"Donnie!" you exclaimed, your eyes wide as you checked out your arm.

Donnie swiveled around quickly, his eyes lighting up when you showed him your scar free arm. He jumped up happily, you following in suit, as you both hopped around.

"Oh my gods! Donnie! Once again sir, I must compliment your genius!" You laughed as you bowed in front of him, earning a small chuckle.

"All thanks you to my lovely assitan-" His sentence was cut off as soon as you stood upright. "Oh god, (Y/n)..."

Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched his expression become panicked, until you felt it.


"O-Oh no..." Your hands instantly went to cup the blood leaking out of your nose. It felt like it was going in streams with the way it kept flowing.

"Tilt your head back and sit down here!" Donnie gently tilted your head backwards, holding a rag against your nose as he led you towards the lab bench. Quickly, he began rummaging throughout his cabinets, muttering to apologies as he looked for a way to fix this.

"I'm so sorry (y/n), I'm sorry!! I-I'll fix this I swear!" He said frantically as he searched.

"It's okay Don-" You felt a burning sensation travel up your chest which made you choke on your words. It travelled upwards slowly, making your body twitch and spasm in pain as you felt the heat tearing apart your insides.

Quiet gasps escaped your lips as your hands dropped the rag and clutched the side of the table. You begged for the pain to stop, wishing it would be over soon. Tears fell from your eyes and began to mix with your tears as you tried to keep your head up, wishing you could curl into a ball.

"Don...Donnie!" You cried out, your eyelids fluttering as tears cascaded down your cheeks.

"I'm looking (Y/n)...just hold on for a bit longer!" Through all the blurred pain, you could make out his figure mixing different ingredients.

You closed your eyes, waiting for the pain in your chest to subside until you began to feel it go upwards.

'Oh God...please no..' You tried to will the pain to go back but alas, it was of no use.

"Donnie it-"

You were interrupted as loud knocking resided from the other side of the lab door, surprising both you and Donnie.

"Hey Donnie! Is (Y/n) in there?"

You and Donnie cursed softly at the sound of Raph's voice. You knew if he said yes, he'd come in, and if he said no, he'd come in anyways.

"I..well yes-" Donnie stuttered, distracted by his brother's presence.

"Good." Was all Raph said before he proceeded to open the door...only for his heart to stop and his eyes to widen.

The last thing he expected was to see you, the most bright and bubbly creature alive, to be sitting in the middle of the lab looking half dead with blood and tears staining your usual smiling face.

"Hey Raphie..." You said meekly, a pained smile crossing your features as you looked up at him.

His stomach dropped as he watched you teeter slightly, your knuckles turning white from how hard you were gripping the edge of the table.

"Donnie what the hell is goin on here!?" Raph felt like he could bust open a head or two, but he knew that the head he wanted to bust was the only one that could help you.

Before Donnie could respond, both brothers watched as you sat up straight, you eyes going wide before they filled with tears...and then you screamed.

A scream so horrible, so gut wrenchingly scary, that they both stepped back.

It sounded as if someone was getting brutally murdered, and that's exactly what it felt like in your case. Once the heat reached your head, a searing pain struck you, and made you feel as if your head was being split into two.

After that, everything went fuzzy and instantly turned black.


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