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A//n: Hey! This idea is based on Billie Eillish's song "TV"!! I've wanted to see someone write something along the lines of this, and I've only seen it done closely on AO3!

Let me know what you think/how I can improve it!

Warnings: Cursing, Assault, Sad themes


You yawned, shifting in your spot on the couch. A heavy-lidded blink followed as your eyes left the TV, flickering to the electric clock next to it.

3:28 a.m. it read.

A sigh left your lips as you lifted your phone, squinting as the bright light illuminated your dark living room.

0 missed calls. 0 texts.

A pang in your chest prompted you to get up, dragging your blankets behind you as you walked your hallway, glancing through the open windows: nothing but the city skyline outlined by the bright moon.

Standing in the doorway of your room, you took a breath, fighting back the negative feelings flooding your chest, reassuring yourself that it wasn't you. They were just...busy, that's it. Nothing else.

Walking towards your bed, you ignored the countless Polaroids and notes littering your walls and your desk. After crawling across your bedsheets, you went and snuggled into your giant comforter, swallowing the lump in your throat as you got yourself ready for bed. You laid there for a few minutes, curled up into a ball as you hugged yourself, closing your eyes as you begged exhaustion to take over your busy mind.

But, as much as you wanted sleep to consume you, it didn't. Your loneliness kept you company as you turned and twisted, continuously fighting the urge to cry. The second you closed your eyes, your alarm started to go off, a groan sounding through the apartment as you slugged your way out of the bed, rubbing your eyes.

The sight in the bathroom mirror wasn't any better. Your eyes were ringed red from the sleepless nights, so many you didn't bother to keep count. You looked skinnier, but honestly who cared, right?

With a grimace, you stripped and turned on the hot water, sighing in relief as it washed over you, your muscles instantly relaxing as your body mechanically cleaned itself. After you stepped out, you continued your routine as you briefly checked your phone. You damn near choked on air as you realized you had 15 minutes to get to class. With that, you stumbled through your apartment, getting dressed, glaring at certain photos, and grabbing your bag before you ran out the door.

Sure, it was the last day before winter break, but you still had finals.

Once you got into class, you threw yourself into your seat, ignoring the weird looks you got as you caught your breath and pulled out your phone, waiting for the teacher to come in.

Still nothing.

No messages from your parents, nothing from your mutated friends. You sighed, tucking your phone away as your teacher strolled in, a giant stack of papers in his hand.

"Good Morning class! Everyone studied I hoped." He eyed a few people, before passing the papers out. "Today's exam will have 100 questions, 10 fill-in-the-blanks, 25 multiple choice, and 65 written!" Everyone groaned as he laughed, sitting down as he looked at everyone.

"If you studied, it shouldn't be a problem. Now if there are questions gladly raise your hand or come and meet me in the front by my desk. Now, begin." With that, pencils started marking.

You stared at your paper, frown evident as you began.

No way were you passing.


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