Gone Wrong: Raph pt.3

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requested?: Nope!

Warnings: sadness, cursing, anger, blood

a//n: hey y'all!! this one is kinda sad, and still intense so just be forewarned!


Both brothers stood in shock, your scream rattling them as it echoed across the sewer, alerting the other residents of something going horribly wrong.

Then, before they could even react, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, exposing the whitest part, and then you began to fall.

Raph thanked God for his reflexes because as soon as he saw you wobble, he was by your side in an instant. His hands swooped underneath you as he fixed you into a bridal style carry. One hand supported your head while the other supported your legs. Gently, he laid you down on the table before he steadied himself.

"You better fix this Donnie or I swear.." He trailed off, he couldn't bring himself to finish his threat. His hands covered his face as he backed up against one of the walls, watching as Donnie continued to mix different concoctions.

He looked down at you, his eyes barely even able to meet your face.

Raph cursed himself fro all the time he wasted. He could have spent the last few weeks with you as his, but no. He had to be a dumbs. If only he had rushed getting ready, maybe you wouldn't be dying on his brothers lab table right now.

Raph knew you liked him, how could he not? He just liked the idea of playing hard to get. He wanted to make you as flustered as he could before he confessed. He just didn't know when.

Then, you asked to hang out.

'This is my chance!' He thought smugly, planning the whole scenario in his head as he walked off. His brothers saw him as someone who couldn't be romantic to save his life, and maybe they were right, but for you he was willing to give romance a shot.

Raph snapped out of his thoughts as he heard different pairs of feet approach the lab. He watched as Mikey and Leo barged in, their eyes widening as they gazed upon your sickly state. Master Splinter came running after, his eyes quickly grasping the situation before the rest of his brothers could.

"(Y/n)?" Mikey called softly, his eyes welling with tears as he reached out towards you. Leo instantly pushed Mikey behind him, blocking his line of vision as he looked between Raph and Donnie.

"What the hell happened?!" Leo snapped, panic shooting through his veins.

Donnie couldn't help the guilt he felt to spread as he finished mixing the antidote. If only he tested a bit more, made sure nothing went wrong, or hell, maybe he shouldn't have used a living being , let alone you, for this wild experiment.

"It was a simple experiment, nothing should have gone wrong.." Donnie sighed as he quickly put the antidote into a syringe.

"Oh yea? Then why is (Y/n) knocked out and bleeding' ?" Raph growled, his anger overcoming his sadness. His eyes narrowed as he saw Donnie bring the syringe close to (y/n)'s arm, his vision starting to go red.

"Don't you dare put that near her-"

"Enough!" Splinter yelled, his desperate tone surprising his sons. "That is enough. Let Donatello undo what he has done. We will speak of this once (Y/n) is stable."

"But Master-"

"I said enough Raphael." Splinter glared, ushering the three teens out of the room, allowing Donnie to inject the serum into your sickly pale skin.

He watched carefully, praying that you would wake up, twitch, give him any sign that you were conscious.

You didn't.

Luckily, the color returned to your face, the blood stopped gushing, and you weren't searing hot anymore but there was no sign of you waking up anytime soon.

Quietly and carefully, he made sure your were comfortable before he left the lab, closing to door softly.

He turned around to find his family sitting around the main room, eyes locking with his own as soon as he stopped.

He felt like a surgeon confronting a family after a life changing surgery...it made him sick to his stomach.

"Well..how is she?" Raph called, his voice rough as he glared at his younger brother.

"Is she gonna die?" Mikey called out, his arms wrapping around him as he felt new tears coming.

"Mikey!" Leo and Raph shouted, no real anger in their voices. They knew someone had to ask the question, they just didn't know how.

"She's stable, but not conscious yet...it may be a while before she wakes-"

"How long?" Raph couldn't stand to look at his brother. Deep down, he knew it wasn't really his fault, Donnie didn't expect this to happen, but the anger he felt was too much.

Donnie gulped, his hand scratching the back of his head nervously. "A c-couple of days...maybe a week?" He watched as Raph growled, his fists clenching as he stormed off into his room.

"I'm so sorry everyone..." Donnie felt his eyes stinging as the rest of his family approached him and comforted him.

"It takes time, my son. We live and we learn from our mistakes. Now we must wait and see how this one shall play out..." Master Splinter patted Donnie's shell, quietly muttering words of comfort.

The three brothers split up, quietly heading to their rooms as the grim tension filled the lair.


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