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Here I am in my car, eating my sandwich just waiting to land my eyes on the people that work for the Kim gang. My job as a detective requires me to do it.
This is the most dangerous and influencing gang in the whole Korea. Some leads to the case have indicated us some names like Jungkook, Taehyung, who we believed to be the son of the head, and many others.
Right now, I'm looking for the Jungkook guy to get out of the store. It's been weeks trying to track him, but- Oh! That's him!

I quickly get out of my car and start my way to chase him.

"Jeon Jungkook, you have the right-..Aish"- I couldn't finish as he started to run and I was obligated to run after him.

Corner after corner and I even had to jump fences so I could catch him. He is a sporty guy, I see. I quickly call for backup in hopes they would be near to help me.

"He is turning on the main street!"- I told trough my walkie talkie still running.

"Got it!"- Chan said.

Chan got in front of him, but the Jungkook guy somehow manage to escape by jumping another fence.
Chan and I looked at each other and we decided I would go back and he would go left to trap this rebel.
Then, Chan, trough the walkie talkie, told me that he was turning to the grocery store and so I followed him, since I was near. He entered the store and the space for him to run was smaller which made me quickly take off my gun and trap him.

"Jeon Jungkook, you're trapped! Hands in the air!"- I said with my gun pointed at him.
He turned his face to me bitting his lips from nervousness.

"You have the right to remain-"

"Hey, hey, I got this"- An arrogant voice who I recognize with hate said. Kim Seokjin.

"No way! I catched him. I'll take him"- I said.

"Well Y/N, life's not about winning or losing, it's about sharing...so I'll take him to the police station"- Jin said.

"No! Are you crazy?!"

"No, but I do leave girls crazy"- he said with a proud smile changing the subject.

"They must be mentally ill then"- I told him back.

"You're just jealous because I'm handsome"

At this point we started fighting like we always do. He is so unbearable. Arrogance and superior complex seem to be part of his annoying self.

"Guys... guys...Guys!"- someone interrupted our fight. It was Chan who had just arrived the store.

"What?!"- both me and Jin turn to him at the same time angry from our own figth.

"Where's the criminal?"- he refered to Jungkook

"He is right here"- Jin and I said at the same time again, still looking at Chan.


We looked at the spot the Jungkook guy was on...but there was nobody...Both Jin and I gasped and looked at each other again....he escaped...

"It's your fault!"- we said at the same time and another figth began.

"Guys...guys...gu-...ugh... I don't care"- Chan left.


After a great chase, all I'm doing now is sitting in the office, with Jin by my side, as our chief is pacing quietly in front of us. He is about to explode, I know it...in three...two...o-

"How could you?!!"- couldn't even get to one...

"Sir, I-"

"You had him right in your hands!!! How? How?!?"- our chief was frustrated.

"Sir, you see Y/N-"

"Don't you even try to blame each other! We've had enough of your hatred for one another! And now, because of you two, we lost the criminal and the whole gang flew to AMERICA!"- he interrupted Jin.

"I'm sorry sir"- I said with my head low.

"You're sorry?! Sorry?! We had them! And now we don't because of your stupid childish behaviors towards each other!"- he kept blaming us. -"I swear to God I need to fire you..."- he sat down already tired from yelling

"Please sir, you know how much we work fo-"

"Just leave"- he sighed in disappointment.


"Out! Both of you!"- he pointed to the door signalling us to abandon the room.

We carefully got up and left.

"What was that for?...I can't believe you lost that gang dude"- Jin said unbothered after all that

"Me?! You're the one who picked up the fight!"- I angrily said.

"I was right there in my car in front of that convenience store. You're the one who came in my place"

"You're impossible"- I rolled my eyes

"He is going to fire you, totally. I'm far more precious to keep"- he said.

"You?...you don't do anything else other than pick up girls in the office, look in the mirror and eat..."- I said.

"Yah! I can be-"

"So... I hear you two messed up really big time"- one of our colleagues came to us interrupting our conversation.

"No, everything is fine"- I covered up.

"I see...so you didn't pick up a fight right when you had him?"- he arrogantly asked knowing the answer.

"Absolutely not"- Jin and I said at the same time, shaking our heads to be more believable.

"Right...see you around then...if...you know....you don't get fired...bye dog poop and hamster breath"- he refered to me and Jin so he could leave.

"Ugh, I hate that guy"- I rolled my eyes mumbling to myself.

"I can't believe those nicknames still are going around the office"- Jin confessed

"Who's fault is that?..."

"Sure, blame it on the handsome tall guy"- he felt offended.

"You are impossible"- I rolled my eyes and left.

I can't believe this. I had the criminal right there. I was sure I was going to do a great job...now... I don't even know if I still have a job... it's all his fault...Kim Seokjin...

"Partners"- Jin ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now