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Yoongi found out where Jin was, the same way he found out where I was. Namjoon and I were the ones to go. Yoongi is not a specialist on the field, he works in the computer. He is our tech man, so it would be risky to have him there. Besides, I don't want to leave Jungkook alone since he is still injured.

"He is in a remote place on the other side of the town. It's like half an hour from here"- Yoongi told us.

"Half and hour?? We are already behind, we need a shortcut"- I called for attention.

"There is one road, but it's in the woods, so you can easily get lost. It takes about 20m...10-15m if you're going really fast"- Yoongi said.

"Then that's the one we're taking"- I said.

"If you get lost, you'll take more time"- He said.

"I'm good with the GPS"- Namjoon said.

"And I'm good at driving fast"- I said.

Namjoon quickly picked up our things and went in our way.

"Y/N..."- Yoongi grabbed me.

"What?"- I asked in a rush.

"I'm going with you"- he said.

"You're staying. Jungkook need you and you're not experienced in the field. Besides we need someone to survive... If anything happens to us, you need to take care of Jungkook no matter what, you promise me?"


"Promise me!"- I said.

"...ok... I'll do it...Jin must mean a lot to you..."- Yoongi realized.

"More than I thought he would... I'm going now...call the authorities here and give them the location. It'll take time for them to get there and we need to get reenforcement"- I said.

And so it went. Namjoon and I made our way to that isolated place, which I believe to be the mansion where the  leader Kim, also known as Jins father, is.

Seokjin POV

I told Y/N that we would be in this together, but my father found out about me. I'm pretty sure it was Taehyung. He probably said his suspicions about me to my father.
A few days ago, when Y/N was still recovering in bed and I was waiting for her to wake up. My father sent a message to me...a very clear one...either I go back and take responsibility for the gang or he'll kill me and everyone that has been helping me... including Y/N... I can't let that happen...

I'm going there to try and kill him...that is my first intention... I know it won't be easy...in case I lose my chance to do so... I will take that place as the leader to protect Y/N because I can't die either. Even if I sacrifice myself to save them, if I die, I won't be sure the gang won't kill them...we can't trust these people...I need to protect them...all of them...

I entered his mansion, off course he wouldn't live simply...he made this in the middle of nowhere, so no one would find him.
Not to my surprise, I entered the mansion with no problem. No man attacked me. I'm sure my father was already waiting for me, because he knew I was going to fall for his threat.

I entered his office and he decided to be cliche. He was looking outside of the window with whisky on his hand, the other hand on his pocket and his back turned to me.

"I was waiting for you"- he said and I rolled my eyes. It was quite predictable he'd say that.

He finally turned to me and spoke again.

"It seems like you have been lost from your family for...quite some time"- he told me

"The only one I considered family by blood was taken away from me."- I said annoyed.

"Your mother was an angel...now she is literally one..."- he darkly joked.

"You are disgusting"- I said and he turned his back on me again.

"Don't forget boy...you are 50% me"- he said, but when he turned to me again I alread had a gun pointed at him.

He smiled for some reason and took a simp of his whiskey.

"You don't have the guts...just like you didn't 12 years ago"- he said and I triggered the gun.

"Try me...as you said...I'm 50% of you..."- I told him ready to kill him and he smiled again.

"You wouldn't want that"- the moment he said this, I saw red dots all over my body. He had his men hiding with a sniper pointing at me. -"you see those trees? My men like to hide there ready to put bullets through your heart"

At this point, I'm sure what I have to do. I can't die to make sure my dear ones don't die..
I dropped the gun like I didn't care

"You won"- I said.

"Wow, that easy"- he laughed.

"I'm keeping this stupid business of yours, but I won't die... I'm gonna make sure they stay alive while you rot from age right in front of me"- I said as I walked to him and said it right in front of him.


He couldn't even finish as gunshots are heard downstairs. I looked at him and he is confused. I then took a glance at the trees and his men were not there so I ran back to the spot I was and picked up my gun. He did the same. It seems to be a casual day where father and son point guns at each other.

"JIN!"- I heard from downstairs and I immediately knew it was Y/N. Not more then seconds later, she entered the door and was now by my side.

"Lower your guns. Both of you!"- She said as she pointed her gun at my father.

"I'm not letting him go this time"- I told her.

"When will you?"-She asked me and I frowned-"When will you let the past stay in the pas?t...yes, he hurt you...but it's you who has the power to overcome that...if you kill himas angry son, you won't be no different from him... "-She told me.

"So he is just going to live in jail while he took my mothers life?"- I said.

"He'll rot with guilt..."- Y/N told me. I lowered my gun and Y/N let out a sigh of relief. 

At that moment Namjoon came inside. Y/N directed herself to my father to put handcuffs on him but a gun shot was heard...Y/N...


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