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Jin and I ended up sleeping together yesterday. We only have one bed so the boys bought three mattresses to make a bed for each one of us. I didn't feel like parting from Jin yesterday so I just held on tight to him until we both fell asleep.

I woke up and Jin had his eyes already open.

"Good morning"- he smiled.

"Morning"- I was stunned by his morning beauty and I was actually smiling.

"My arm is numb"- he ruined the moment and my smile quickly faded away.

I sat up and he pulled me down again and smiled.

"I'm joking"- he chuckled -"not really...but I'll break my arm for you if I have too"- he got cheesey.

"I think I should go check on Jungkook"- I said.

"Namjoon already did that. It's 2p.m., you crackhead"- he mocked my sleep schedule.

"So what now?...what should we do?..."- I asked him about the case.

"We are not going to do anything because I can't be scared again by the thought of losing you"- he casually said

"Well, you are not doing it alone, for sure. This is my case too"

"But it's my father...he is dangerous... I can't lose you"- he said

"Will you stop that?... you're not going to lose me...you need me there with you"- I said.

"No, I don't... I don't want you to see what I can turn into when I'm with him..."- he said and got up upset by the conversation.

"What do you mean?..."

"You can only kill a monster with another monster..."- he seriously told me as this is a sensitive subject to him

"You want to kill him?..."

"I need to"

"No, you don't! You're not going to do this out of need, you're doing this out of revenge"- I got up too and he just stayed quiet with his back turned on me.-"promise you won't do anything without me..."


"Please!"- I pressured him and he sighed. He hugged me and caressed my head.

"I'm sorry..."- he told me, but he still didn't promise me...

"Hum hum..."- Someone interrupted us.

Once we looked at who talked our eyes grew so big. We were more surprised than rain on a hot summer day. It was not Namjoon or Jungkook.

"Yoongi?!"- Jin and I said at the same time in surprise not understanding how and why this man was in front of us.

"Since the last time I checked...yeah that's me"- he said in a serious tone.

"How did you even find us?? And why??"- I asked.

"You haven't called the boss in days and the police here admitted that they cut you off, so I had to make sure you were okay...which to me you look perfectly fine..."- he told me being sarcastic about Jin and I..as we were still holding each other. We cleared our throats and let go of each other.

"But how did you find us?..."- Jin asked him.

"I tracked your phones..."

"But there's no much of a cellphone connection here..."- Jin said.

"I'm a good hacker... I don't need that... there's satellites everywhere"- Yoongi answered.

"Oh, he is good"- Jin whispered to me in surprise.

"Partners"- Jin ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now