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The day of the gang party has finally come. Jin looks very nervous. He is has been cleaning and eating all day, besides his leg is always shaking when he is sitting.

"Are you okay?"- I asked him.

"Who me? I'm okay, why wouldn't I be okay? I'm great"- he said clearly not fine

"Relax, I'll be there to protect you"- I told him.

"That doesn't relax me"- I sensed some irony.

"Hey, just so you know, I was top student at the academy."- I defended myself.

"Who evaluate you? The worst cop possible?"- he made fun of me and I death glared him.

"Just don't worry, it'll be fine"- I reassured.

"Oh, hum, ChiWon just texted me saying it is actually a mascaraed party....oh, thank God!"- he said letting go from all of his tension.

"Oh really? We need to buy some masks for us then"- I realized.

"Yes, let's go"- he said. Why is he suddenly so relaxed though?

We found a random store that sells second hand things. They are very old I must say and it sells pretty much anything. The smell is like cherry mixed with dust, it's comfortable but at the same time, it's not.
Jin and I were wondering around just talking.

"This mask thing is going to ruin our chances of taking photos to identify the criminals..."- I told Him randomly looking at things.

"Hm, how about we take DNA and send it to the lab?"- he had the idea.

"How are we going to do that?"

"Take some hairs from a few and put in on some napkins, take some saliva in cups from others, just make sure to take a big bag so we can hide all that"- Jin casually said and I looked at him dumbfounded -"what?"- he asked at my silence.

"I just... thought you were dumb..."- I was genuinely confused.

"Oohh! A fishing hat!"- he gave me a death glare, but it quickly went away once he saw that hat.

"You like fishing?"- I asked him.

"Yeah, it's entertaining"- he told me picking up the hat.

"You should take Yoongi with you once we're back in Korea. I feel like he needs to get out more"- I told him still looking at things.

"You worry a lot about Yoongi"- he said.

"I usually worry about people who are close to me"

"What about him?"

"What about him?"- I repeated his question.

"Does he worry about you because you're his friend or because he thinks of you in other way?"- he asked me trying to get information

"Don't do that. Girls and guys can be friends"- I told him.

"Oh, so that's why you want to be my friend!!"- he wanted to annoy me by being a pervert.

"Yah! I said it's not like that! Besides you and I are not friends, remember? We're just partners. I don't anything about you rather than the fact than the you like fishing and mangos...oh, and you're incredibly annoying"- I fired back.

"Yah! I'm still older than you"- he didn't have any response to me which made me chuckle.

"Let's just find the masks"- I said.

"Oh, what about this one?"- he asked me while putting a random mask on.

"Isn't that mask from that movie 'saw'?...still looks better than your face, but I don't think that's the style we are going for"- I said and he rolled his eyes.

"You are no fun...and what do you mean 'we'?"

"We have to look like a couple. Our masks should match"- I told him.


As we were walking around I found a mask with black details that it made it look kind of from the Victorian age.

"Oh, what about this one?"- I asked Jin turning to him with the mask on my face to get his opinion.

I didn't know he was so close, so when I turned around to him, he caught me by surprise making my eyes grow big and my heart beat fast. His eyes were piercing through mine and I felt uneasy.


"What?.."- I asked him since he didn't finish.

"You...why do your eyes look like that?"- he asked me not breaking eye contact.

"Like what?"

"Like that! Sweet and shiny! It's like they were kissed with honey!"- he was complimenting me like he was mad at me.

"Why are you mad?"

"I'm not! You just...you..." - he finally took a step back and sighed -"fine, fine, let's take that one"- he said like an old man and I'm just thinking something melted in him once he saw me with that mask and being close.


We finally were done to go to this gangster party.

"Hurry up!"- Jin yelled from the living room as I'm giving the final touches.

I'm finally done. I thought this would be the perfect chance to wear my new short black silk dress with red lips. The black mask made my eyes pop out. I got out of my room for us to leave at last.

"Why were you taking-...."- Jin was laying on the sofa but didn't finish his sentence once he saw me.

He looked at me in silence for a few seconds and, because of his piercing look, I was having second thoughts about my outfit

"What? Is it too bad?..."- I asked and Jin quickly came back to earth again. He cleared his throat and got up.

"You just look...that dress is a little short, don't you think?!"- he didn't finish his first sentence.

"I think it's cute. Besides, I have to look sexy, it's part of my role, remember? Mean girls always dress the bestest"- I said and he once again gazed at me for a few seconds with no words.

"Seriously, should I change my makeup or something?"- I asked more hesitant of my outfit now, since he doesn't stop looking.

"No, no, don't change anything, you just look... breathtaking..."- he shyly said putting his hand on the back of his neck and dodging his eyesight from me. I could only laugh.

"I would have been happy with a 'you're looking as best as possible' coming from you, you know? Didn't have to compliment me like that"- I casually told him and put my coat on for us to leave.

"You do look pretty..."- he mumbled but I didn't hear.


"This floor is not steady. Careful"- he repeated and I nodded to his information.

"Partners"- Jin ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now