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I woke up with the sun rays hitting my eyes, but when I extended my arm I realized Jin wasn't on the bed anymore.
Yet, I can smell eggs

I got myself up and went to the kitchen. I didn't feel like putting real clothes on so I just wrapped the white sheet around me.
Jin was so focused on the cooking and his casual song, that he didn't even noticed me.

"I prepared eggs. Eggs for my girlfriend. She is so beautiful. Y/N is my girlfriend"- Jin sang.

"Who said I was your girlfriend?"

"Aaahhh!! Good God, Christ!...Jesus"- I accidentally scared him that he almost ruin the eggs -"yah! Don't show up like that!..you little rascal..."- he told me and I laughed.

"You seem happy. What are you doing?"- I asked him.

"I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed...but I guess you wanted to ruin it and decided to scare me to show up dressed like a greek god"- he mocked my fit.

"Should I go back to bed?"- I asked him.

"Just...sit down..."- he said but he sounds annoyed and sad by the fact that I ruined his little surprise.

Because I was in the mood, I went for him and hugged him from behind. I could feel his heart beat faster.

"Am I forgiven now?"

"Please know I'm not an easy man"- He played difficult.

"How about now?"- I said while turning Jon around putting myself so close to him that our breaths met each other. He was clearly flustered.

"I-... Hum hum..."- he looked away from embarrassment and I smiled

"Fine, I'll eat the eggs in the table"- I was going to let go of him but he grabbed my waist and gave me a sudden peck.

We sat on the table and chit chatted about random things, mostly just bickering on each other

"Oh, I spoke with Jungkook. He says he'll do it and he'll meet Taehyung at 3 a.m."- Jin told me.

"Cool. We just need to follow Taehyung then."- I remembered our plan.


"What? Are you okay?"- I asked because he suddenly changed.

"I don't know...it feels real now... I haven't seen my father in 14 years...but I still hate him...besides...you and Jungkook are with me now.. I don't want to lose you..."- Jin said and I felt sad for him.

I reached for his hand to hold it and I spoke.

"It's okay, I'll be with you every step of the way and Jungkook and I can really figth so it'll be fine. Don't worry, okay?"- I told him and he nodded a little hesitant.


Jin and I tracked Jungkooks phone that now would be with Taehyung to be in a walmart
We entered the store but after some minutes I realized it was better if we split up.

"This will take to long. We should go different ways. I'll go right and you go left, the first one to find him calls to other for us to go follow him the rest of the day together"- I told Jin and I made my way out to the right but he held my hand.

"Promise you'll call me the minute you see him..."

"I promise..."- I assured him so he would know he was not going to lose me. I kissed his cheek and I went on my way.

I looked in every corridor in my ways but nothing but then I saw the back of someone. It shouldn't have alarmed me but I got the feeling it was him.
So I followed him, I would stay in parallel aisle just carefully looking. When he turned on corner once again, I saw his side profile clearly. I was sure he was Taehyung. He was the man that came for Jin dt the party. His facial structure is no joke and his hair is also the same length as the guy from the party. My sixth sense and my memory tells me it's him.

He sped up his pace for some reason and I tried to be careful, but I also sped up. I take my phone to call Jin as I keep following but he doesn't answer.

"Shit..."- I cursed under my breath.

I continued but the point of all this was that was that he wouldn't notice me. Did he notice I was following him?... I was so careful...unless...he is leading me somewhere...
That was when Taehyung entered the storage room..

I took a step back, hesitant if I should go in without Jin. In my mind, I think this Taehyung guy knew about us coming... I have to keep my promise to Jin...if I follow this man to the storage, I don't know what could happen.
So I turned around to look for Jin so we could get to this man together. But when my body moved to go to the other direction, a man was in front of me...
He was all dressed in black. He is not Taehyung, but one of his men.

He grabbed me and I punched his face making him step back. He came running toward me and I kicked his chest, which made him fall. I was going to run but other five men showed up.

They started coming at me and I beat each one of them.

"Call the police!"- a Karen screamed.

"Lady, I am the police!"- I told her when the last man fell on the ground.

I ran to go to Jin instantly but the first man came to me and another figth started. At this point he is punching me and I'm bleeding. He hit my stomach and I fell on the ground. That was when he had a chance to put something in my arm. I don't know what it was, but I felt myself going dozing off to sleep...

"Jin..."- I called his name on my last conscious breath.

"Partners"- Jin ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now