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I woke up and I went to the kitchen. Jin was there cooking something with his earplugs in and it looked like he was answering a questionary.

"Photosynthesis!"- he enthusiastically answered.

"What are you doing?..."- I asked and he got startled.

"I'm bettering my knowledge. I've heard some people in our department say I'm dumb...wanna see?"- he unplugged his earphones to show me.

"What is the capital of belgium?"

"Waffles"- Jin answered

"You're right, it's brussels"

"Dang it!...it was brussels"- Jin said and I made a weird face.

"Yeah... I wonder why people say you're stupid..."- I  sarcastically said. This dude is so random...

"Sit, I made breakfast"- Jin said and I got confused.

"You made breakfast...for me?... without me asking for it?...for real?..."

"Y/N, you make it look like I'm not kind hearted"- he said and, although I tried suppressing it, a smile came to me. He makes really funny faces. When he called my name, something tingled... anyways the food.
I took a bite and, to my surprise, it was awesomely good.

"Wow...you are good"- I said and he smiled

"Thank you"

"Oh, actually, I came to tell you that I received an email with some names and locations of those gang members"- I informed him while taking another bite.

"Shall we get to action?"- He asked me and I grew a smile immediately at the thought of catching criminals.

We got dressed up and I got our of my room to find Jin looking like a real cop with a hat, a black hoodie and jeans. There was something about him that made me shiver.

"You ready? Let's go"-he said all serious and cool to leave.

"Wow...he is annoyingly handsome.."- I thought out loud and followed him to leave.


We got to our first place to catch the criminal. Jin and I were sitting in car and I looked at him to verify if he was actually okay since this case has some kind of effect on him.

"What?"- he caught me staring.

"You feeling okay?" - I asked him and he nodded.

"Let's catch some criminals"

He smiled at me and then we got out of the car. We looked like the best partnership in the world. In our heads we were in slow motion with a powerful playing in the background to hype us up.


First catch: John Lee. Born in IS but soon his parents went back to Korea. Suspect of providing money for the gang and providing illegal guns.

Second catch: Ki Jisoo. Born in Korea, but a high politian. Suspect of robery and money fraude to provide for the gang.

Third catch: Kim-

"Okay, Y/N, stop reading the names with suspense. Nobody cares."- Jin interrupted my narrative.

"I can't believe we catched all five of them in one day! Did you see the look on the bitchy detectives face when we took them to the station!? Incredible!"

"Wow, you really like putting handcuffs on people, don't you? Here, I don't mind getting freaky with that"- he said offering me his hands and I death glared him at his joke.
He simply laughed at he way he annoyed me.

"You always ruin my moment"- I said.

My eyes were wondering around the view as we were just sitting in the car and right now I don't want to look at Jin.
I saw something that caught my eye. A familiar figure.
He was wearing black and hidden behind the corner of the wall just looking at our car... Jungkook...
Because I don't have binoculars with me, I took my phone out and clicked on the camera. I zoomed on the man and I could now be almost sure it was him.

"What is it?.."- Jin was confused.

"We got him"- I said and got out of the car to chase him. Once Jungkook saw me getting closer, he started running.

"Y/N, wait!"- Jin screamed my name and ran after me.

I ran and I ran until my legs almost couldn't hold it anymore. I jumped fences to catch this man, but when I couldn't, that was when I catched him. I deduced he was going to jump a fence that was in front of us so I took another way. I was getting out of an alley after the turn I made and he was passing by it, so I sprinted and I jumped on him.

"Jeon Jungkook, you may-"

I couldn't finish my job when someone got me out of him. Jin. He held me up and didn't let me go.

"Jin, what are you doing?!! We're going to lose him again!"- I called him to reason.

At the same time, Jungkook was sitting up.

"I can explain"- Jin told me.

"Explain? Explain what?!?"- he didn't make sense.
That was when I remembered Jungkooks words at that stupid party..."thank you for being by his side"..."Just tell him I don't hate him"... Jungkook was talking about Jin...and everytime this Jungkook gets away, Jin is there...Jin let's him go away... just like right now...

This may seem like a long thought but it only took me seconds to realize this. I look at both of them and they look worried.

"What is your relationship with him?..."- I asked Jin about Jungkook.

Jin looked unsteady at me and didn't answer which made me more angry.

"What are you to him!?!"

Jin still didn't answer me, but a word of concern came out of Jungkooks mouth.


"Hyung?..."- I couldnt believe my ears- "You have been forging this case since the begin...you let him go away every single time because you want to!...we came to america, I almost lost my job after working so hard for it, you-"


"I trusted you!"- I felt so betrayed and disgusted by Jins presence.

"I can explain"- Jin kept telling me.

"Jin, you messed up everything since the beginning! What was your plan? Catch a few suspects like we did today and then go behind my back to pass the word to the gang??"- I deduced.

"What? No! Please, believe me, I-"

"Believe you!? You are a liar!...Just like them..."- I said and went away so I wouldn't look at their faces.

Jin held my wrist before I could go.

"Take that back"- he told me with tears on his face like he desperate for me to do it

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"Take that back"- he told me with tears on his face like he desperate for me to do it.

I was so hurt by him that I can only hate him...

"You are just like them. And I hate you."- I said with a straight face and I went away.

"Partners"- Jin ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now