Chapter 1

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I woke up in a bright lit room and my eyes had to adjust.  I realised I wasn't tied up anymore.

My arms and my legs were free and yet my body was still laying in a sort of starfish position. I moved my legs closer to one another and my arms next to my body and I stared at the ceiling for a bit, it being white instead of the disgusting grey I was used to. I took in the scent as well and it had drastically changed. I looked down at my arms and I realised I was cleaned up and that my ankles and wrists which normally would have blue markings on them, suddenly were all healed. I then sat up and I put my hands through my hair and they were untangled now too, when normally I had some knots in them. I put my legs over the side of this huge bed and I took in my surroundings. I saw a fancy and comfortable chair on my left and a table next to it with all 20 books of Seglusm. I saw a closed door and I had this feeling that it was locked. Above the door was a camera and I realised that must be for security reasons. I then saw another door and that was open and I could see a toilet there and I nodded slowly at that. Then on my right I saw something I had not seen in years, a window and I couldn't' help but stand up and walk up to it, putting my hands on the sides of it.

My eyes widened as I took in my surroundings, we were on top of a mountain and I could see pretty far into the distance. There wasn't a lot to see; it was mainly water. I could see the water hitting the side of the rocks that were here and I couldn't help but stare at all the colours, colours that I had missed. After a while though I had to go to the bathroom and when I got in the bathroom I sat down and I saw a shower of sorts with next to it all kinds of bottles. I flushed the toilet and I grabbed the different kind of bottles. I saw that they were called shampoo, conditioner and body wash and I had this inkling of what that was supposed to mean. I then sighed as I stared ahead for a second before I walked back to my room and I went to the window and I stared out it, watching the water hit the rocks.

Princess Lea had told me that I was going to be part of a Process to become the queen of this country. She mentioned something about three kings, but I had learned nothing about them.

After being here for a full moon, I knew that Seglusa had put me through the past couple of years to become strong and independent so that I could become the queen of this country. I didn't see anyone apart from four priestesses who taught me loads of things, like how to eat, how to be queenlike, but also about Seglusa.

I also got lessons in lovemaking as they called it and two women walked in wearing only lace and I stared at them as they then showed me different kind of things I could do to please my maybe future husbands and I stared at them in interest as after a couple of weeks a man walked in and I for one second was petrified I had to do something with hat man, but then two women walked in and showed things you could do and I just watched them have sex and it was so interesting, and I badly wanted to join, my hormones going crazy. But I wasn't allowed to do anything before my marriage to the kings, if I were to marry them. If Seglusa were to choose another path for me, I would be able to live a free life in Locatlie. I got to talk to some women who had not been chosen by the previous process and they said that they were happy with their life. Some of them married men who loved and cared for them and others were living a private and secluded life; but they were happy.

Princess Lea arrived after the moon had passed and wanted to have tea with me and wondered if I had any other questions. I had to be extra polite, as I wanted her to be on my side.

"I have several" I confirmed and she nodded looking at me with her brown eyes which were staring at me with a certain look that I could not place. "Why now?" I asked as I took a sip of the tea and she frowned looking at me. "Why is the process starting now?" I further elaborated and nodded.

"My mother, Queen Patricia, passed away 10 months ago." She said and my eyes widened for a couple of seconds as I stared at her in shock. "When a queen passes away, a new one must be chosen as soon as possible." She explained.

"And if I am chosen to marry your brothers" I said very carefully and she nodded slowly at that. "I am expected to honour Seglusa and bring children into this world, am I correct?" I said and she smiled looking at me.

"Yes" She said with some amusement.

"But like how does that go?" I asked as I grabbed a lemon cake and took a bite and she frowned at my question.

"I thought you had lessons-" She started and I nodded right away.

"Yeah. I understand that part. I just mean; there are three kings and one queen. Do I first get a child with one, if Seglusa blesses me with this marriage and with childbearing of course" I said and she smiled. "And then the other and do I just go from one to the other or?" I said and she then smiled very widely looking at me.

"You make love to all of them, and when you're pregnant and give children to the Royal house of Locatlie, they will all raise them and have different roles" She said. "We will not do any tests to find out whom the father is. That way the line is pure and shows no preference" She said "However, there will be times when it is more obvious who the biological father is, but that is never spoken of" she elaborated..

"From books I've read in the unspoken life" I said and she nodded looking at me "And history books of other countries" I said and she nodded again looking at me "the kings usually have mistress-"

"That is not allowed. You are the only person they allowed to be with. If one of them does have a mistress, he will be punished" She said and I nodded slowly at that and I took a deep breath. "You are going to be the goddess of Seglusm, the giver of kings, the queen of Locatlie. You will be the most important person in the world." She said and I nodded. "My mother, she was the most powerful woman in the world, my fathers worshipped her all equally and would do anything her heart desired." She said and I nodded slowly looking at her with interest as we talked about loads of things.

"How will the Process go?" I said and she nodded slowly looking at me.

"In four weeks, there will be a ball of sorts, where the different girls are showcased to my three brothers" She said and I nodded slowly at that "After that the process will start of my brothers choosing their preferred women and getting to know them better." She said and I nodded again at that. "And they will choose before on their 25th birthday, which is in three months" She said.

"Can I ask you one more question?" I asked and she smiled and nodded.

"The last, I do have to go back to Prangie" She explained.

"Which year is it right now?" I asked and she had the biggest smile formed on her face. "What's so funny?" I then asked and she giggled a bit shaking her head.

"You're the last girl of the Process to ask that" She explained and I shrugged. "It is currently 2043" She said and I looking out the window for a second trying to guess how old I was "That makes you 18, or well almost 18" she explained and I nodded as she stood up and she grabbed something out of her bag; something that I recognised. The bottle of water with the sedative. "We are going to fix your appearance a bit and that will be painful for you if you are awake. You will drink this water and the next time I see you, will be the day of the ball" she said holding it out to me and I grabbed it and I looked out the window for a second. I was almost 18 years old; I had been away from my family for almost 8 years now. As I looked at the water, while opening my bottle of water, I couldn't help but fantasise about going back to my parents and my sisters, but as I saw how far the water went; I knew that it would be impossible. I took the bottle to my lips and I drank the entirety of the water and put the bottle down, walked up to my bed, sat on it, so I wouldn't fall and Lea watched as I then fell asleep once more.

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