Chapter 4

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Four days later, on Friday, Lea walked into my room and I looked up shocked and I coughed out my tea. For the past days I had to just patiently wait until I got more news. I spend the days reading the books that were here and staring out the window and looking at the sea. I only saw Mae or Joy whenever they would bring me something to eat.

"So today is a very exciting day." She said clapping her hands together and I looked at her as the make-up artist and the hairstylist walked back in along with the normal stylist. O lord.

"What's going to happen today?" I then said and she looked at me with the biggest smile ever.

"Well, you have a group date with fourteen other girls with my brothers. You'll first be doing something active, so we have to wear activewear." She said looking at me as if this was the most important thing in the world.

"Sounds like fun." I commented and she nodded excited. I don't know why, but I sort of felt bad for her that she thought this was the most fun thing in the whole entire world. But then again, I had nothing better to do anyhow.

While I was getting my hair styled and Lea was looking through the clothes for my outfit, she told me about her family. She had a husband, and they had been married ever since she was twenty.

"Did you two get to marry for love?" I asked and she looked at me with the biggest smile ever and she nodded.

"Yes. We went to university together and we fell in love. We have three baby boys. The first is 12, his name is Max, then you've got Luke, whom is 10 and then lastly Connor whom is 8." She said excited and I looked at her with the biggest smile ever as she for the next hour talked about her children and I listened excitedly and said 'mmhhm' at the right moments. It was clear that you could make Lea happy by just showing interest in her life, so that is what I did.

I was wearing a blue dotted pair of pants that were really stretchy and then on top of that a sports bra with a light blue shirt. My hair was in a braid and my make-up was just very simple. Lea told me that if I were to become queen, that in public I wasn't allowed to wear bra's or underwear as I had to obviously be one with the world. The moment that I wanted to exercise or do something active, I was allowed though. We were then brought to a place, where the event would probably be happening.

"I will see you after the active situation, cause then we'll change for dinner. Good luck!" She said and I nodded as I walked out of the car and Yolene was there waiting for me along with that grey haired woman. They both stared at me, looking at my outfit with a certain look. The way they stood there, made me believe they thought they were immensely important.

"Good afternoon Lady Julia. I've heard you already met my sister Princess Yolene." She said and I looked at Yolene whom stared back at me with a small smile and I frowned for a second. "Speak my lady." The grey-haired woman then said a tad annoyed, something that I did not like at all.

"I'm sorry. I have met Princess Yolene, I did not know she was a princess though." I said looking at Yolene and I bowed to her right away.

"Thank you, my lady," Yolene said. "I am the younger sister of the previous kings." She explained and I nodded slowly at that. "The kings are my nephews."

"My name is Josephine and I am the eldest" She said and the way she said it made me think of Lea so much; I was sure that in forty years she would act the same way and I couldn't help but start to laugh a bit at that. "My Lady?" Josephine said and I then couldn't help it, because of my nerves and I burst out into tears and I put my hands on my knees and I just started to laugh. "Did I say something amusing?" Josephine said and that only made me laugh harder.

"No. No-"

"What is going on?" I heard a deep voice state and I saw that Josephine and Yolene right away stood straighter and there was pure fear in their eyes. Somehow that made me think that it was King Trevor whom had just arrived and as I turned my head, wiping tears from my face, I saw that indeed King Trevor climbed out of the car. I then realised right away what this looked like and that this wasn't ok. In that moment I also realised that the three kings would probably expect to have 15 girls be quiet and submissive today, and I wasn't going to do that. I had to make an impression, I had to make them remember me and want to know more about me. And if I was going to be breaking all the rules with them having the conclusion that I wasn't meant to be queen, then that was the path that Seglusa would chose for me, and I'd be free.

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