We're Done

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Ever since your boyfriend joined Cobra Kai you could see him changing, and you didn't always like what you saw. Sure, he was more confident and sure of himself, but he was also becoming a FDA certified, grade A asshole. It seemed like everyday you'd see him picking on some new victim that he deemed a "nerd" and it hurt to watch. It hurt the most that his favorite victim was Demetri. Before Hawk took over, you guys had spent weekends binge watching Star Wars and building lego sets but now Hawk has just thrown that all away.

You couldn't believe how much his demeanor had changed so quickly, your previously sweet and shy Eli had turned into standoffish and cruel Hawk. It's like you barely knew him anymore. He treated you differently now too, where he used to be sweet and gentle, he was now possessive and rough. He refused to come over on Saturdays anymore and he got mad when you still invited Demetri over for your movie marathons and insisted that counted as cheating even though you had made it clear he was still invited and that there was nothing going on with you and Demetri.

He had a new love of PDA now, not that you had a problem with it, but he took it to an extreme. Eli had been scared to do much more than hold your hand or kiss your cheek, but Hawk has a fondness for making out and grabbing your ass whenever he sees you. If it didn't seem to be more out of possessiveness than love you might actually like it, but it seems like he is doing it more to show off to his friends than for you.

The bell rang snapping you out of your thoughts and signalling it was time for you to go to lunch. As you walked into the cafeteria Hawk gestured for you to come over and 'helped' you sit.

"Hey y/n" he said, grabbing your face and pulling you in for a kiss.

"Hey Hawk, how was your day?"

Hawk laughed and said "did you guys hear that? She wants to know how my day was. Babe, that sort of thing is for dorks and is definitely not badass."

You were hurt but replied "Well excuse me for trying to talk to my boyfriend since he never wants to come over anymore."

"Babe, you know I don't associate with that pussy Demetri anymore, if he's invited then I'm not coming."

"Well that's your own fault, you left him Hawk. He stood by you when you were the one being bullied not the bully, so did I, we love you please come back to us." You begged, grabbing his hands and holding them to your chest.

"You know I can't do that, if I go back then I'm no better than he is and I'm not going back, you know how miserable I was."

"I know it was hard for you, but look what you've become since joining that god awful dojo. Eli, you're making other people miserable now, you making me miserable."

"If they can't take it then they're weak and they don't deserve better," he spat, "and as for you, what do you mean I make you miserable? Don't you like that I'm not scared of showing you how much I love you now?"

"If it was Eli showing me how much he cared I'd love it, but with Hawk, he doesn't do it for me, he does it to show off."

"ELI MOSKOWITZ IS DEAD, STOP BRINGING HIM UP" Hawk roared and ripped his hands away smacking your face. You just looked at him, stunned that he could do something like that and trying to hold back your tears. Whether he had meant to or not, he had just broken your heart.

As your eyes welled, you looked up at him and softly said, "I loved Eli, not Hawk, we're done." and left as quickly as you could manage without running until you got to the hall at which point you broke into a sprint and ran to the nearest bathroom. After checking to make sure it was empty, you went into a stall and started sobbing, you couldn't believe he would do something like that. The guy you fell in love with, Eli, would never hit you and that's when you realized that he was truly gone, replaced by Hawk.

A little while later Sam came in, calling your name and knocking on the stalls, you weren't in the mood to talk to anyone, even your best friend.

"Y/n, I know you're in here, I checked everywhere else, please come out." Sam said softly as she checked all the doors.

Knowing it was a matter of time before she found yours, "Go away Sam, I don't want to talk about it." you sniffled.

"Y/n please come out, he's a dick and you deserve better." Sam moved to sit outside your door.

You slowly unlock the stall door and let her in. Sam gasps when she sees you, "Oh my god y/n, Hawk did that?"

"What? I mean he slapped me but that was it."

"Nononono come look."

She dragged you out to the mirror and you gasped seeing the bruise across your face, but even more worrying was the bloody gash across your face. "Holy shit, he must have been wearing a ring or something, I didn't even feel it."

"Let's get you to the nurse and she can help you get cleaned up."

You nodded in agreement and let Sam guide you out of the bathroom where Demetri joined you.

"Jesus Christ y/n, he did that to you?"

"yeah," you answered dejectedly, looking anywhere but at your friends.

True to her word, Sam walked you to the Nurse's Office where she helped you get cleaned up and had the nurse take care of your seeping cut.

"I still can't believe Hawk would do this," she whispered, "I thought he really loved you."

"So did I." You whispered back, close to tears again.

"Hey, do you want to come over to my house after school? We can watch New In Town and eat shitty snacks." Sam smiled and wrapped her arm around you.

"I would like that a lot." You smiled back and leaned into the hug, holding her tight as you tried not to cry again.

School went by pretty quickly after that, though to be honest you weren't really paying attention. Hawk tried to get your attention a couple times but you kept ignoring him. As you were walking out to the bus, figuring that you would go home and drop your stuff off before driving to Sam's you heard her calling for you from the parking lot.

"Y/N OVER HERE," Sam was waving her arms like crazy and you couldn't help but laugh at what an idiot your best friend was, but you couldn't imagine a better friend than her all the same.

"Where do you think you're going? You are coming over and we are eating all the ice cream in the house and watching John Mulaney until we piss ourselves laughing."

"Oh, uhh I figured I would go home first and meet you at your house." You admitted sheepishly.

"Nonsense, I'll swing by your house if you need to grab anything and I can take you home later but something tells me you don't want to be alone right now, no matter how much you argue with me." Sam pushed you into her car and went around to the driver's side.

"Why do you always have to be rightttt," you groaned in annoyance, "This is bullshit."

"Because I'm your best friend and therefore it is my sacred duty to be a pain in your ass."

"Bitch," you mumbled before buckling your seatbelt and she started driving.

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