Something New

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"Bitch," you mumbled before buckling your seatbelt and she started driving. Sam reached over and swatted your leg. "HEY! What was that for?" You complained.

"That was for being mean to your bestest friend in the whole world who is currently taking you to her house for a movie day and sleepover. Now, what do you need from your house? Besides overnight stuff."

"Uhh I need to drop off my school stuff and I'm gonna change but other than that I think I just need my pjs and stuff."

"Okay cool, do you want me to come in and help or wait in the car?"

"I'm not sure how long this is gonna take so you might as well come in."

"Okay," Sam beamed at you and you couldn't help but wonder what had her in such a good mood.

Sam pulled into your driveway and shut off the car and you both hopped out to go inside. Once inside you led her to your room where you dropped your stuff and then went to your bathroom to change.

"Hey y/n" Sam called from your bed.


"What all do you need? I'm gonna start packing your bag."

"Uhh grab the pj set that's like the silky shorts and cami and then the robe that goes with it. I also need the brush that's sitting on my dresser."

"Why is it in here and not the bathroom?"

"I was in a rush and I forgot this morning."

"Ah okay, I got all that, anything else in here?"

"Uhhh just an outfit for tomorrow but I can grab that when I come out."

"Nah I'll get it. Are shorts and a t-shirt okay?"

"That's fine, I'm almost done so I'll bring out my stuff that was in here."

You walked out of your bathroom with your arms full of toiletries and saw Sam sitting on your bed with several piles of clothes.

"What the fuck Sam?"

'I couldn't find any of your bags, did you move them?"

"Oh yeah lol, I put them in the top of my closet."

"Cool, I have all the stuff you asked for, I also grabbed one of your swimsuits just in case."

"Thanks," You say, handing her a bag and starting to put all your stuff in it. "Okay so I think that's all I need, you got a complete outfit, right?"

"Yup everything but socks but I figured you probably didn't need them since you're wearing sandals and didn't ask me to grab a different pair of shoes."

"Nah I don't need any but I did just remember I should grab my slippers." You put them in your bag and stood up to offer her your hand, "Ready to go?"

"Yup," she jumped up and grabbed your hand and you guys walked back to her car.

On the way to her house you turned on the radio and Sam started singing at the top of her lungs and you couldn't help but join her. Once you got to her house you went in to drop all your stuff in her room and quickly ran back downstairs to raid the fridge and claim the TV.

"Alright," Sam was out of breath from running so fast to get to the couch before Anthony realized what you were doing, "Are we still good for John or do you want to watch something else?"

"Oh honey," you said putting a hand on her shoulder, "I'm always down for some John."

You both fell onto the couch laughing as she pulled up the movie. You guys watched for a couple hours and went through several bags of chips and cartons of ice cream before her parents got home.

"Hey kiddos, what's happening in here?" Mr. LaRusso came around the corner and stood in the doorway.

"Not much Dad, just watching some movies, y/n just broke up with her boyfriend so I'm fulfilling my sacred duty as her best friend to distract her."

"Oh well then, don't let me stop you, carry on ladies. Y/n are you staying for dinner?"

"Well actually I invited her to stay over since it's friday, that's okay, isn't it?"

"Of course," He smiled kindly, "I'll tell your mom you guys are gonna eat in here."

After dinner, Sam turned to you and said "Are you up for a midnight swim?"

"Always," you grinned and said, "race ya to the swim suits." And sprinted up the stairs to her room with Sam close behind. You both grabbed your swimsuits and went to change. After you had changed you heard Sam call for you,

"Hey y/n, can you help me braid my hair? You do it way better than I do."

"Of course." You called back and went to go help her. She sat on the floor by her bed as you sat on it braiding her hair.

"Are you okay? Be honest, it's okay if you aren't, I just want to help you."

"Honestly, I think I knew this was coming, but I was just really hoping I'd be able to get through to him and bring Eli back," You sniffled as you tied off her braid. Sam got up and hugged you.

"This really sucks but him hitting you was a dick move and you shouldn't be with someone who treats you like that." Sam released you and offered her hand which you took and you went downstairs to grab towels before going out to the pool. You dove in and saw Sam standing on the side of the pool laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" You questioned as she sat to put her feet in the water.

"Nothing, it's just funny that you always dive in right away before even testing the water." You moved to stand between her legs,

"Well sometimes it's worth it. Like today, the water is amazing, you should get in."

"I think I'm gonna sit here, it does feel nice though."

"I don't think so." And you pulled her under water.

You both came up sputtering and laughing.


"That was to get you," you poked her chest, "in the water faster."

"Well I guess it worked then." She smiled at you and you both moved closer. Sam looked at your lips and said "Look, I know this is really awful timing and you just broke up with Hawk but I love you y/n not as your friend but as something more, I have for a while but you were with Hawk and I didn't wanna risk messing that up for you, you were so happy. But seeing you now, after he hurt you so badly just makes me so mad and I wish more than anything that I could've protected you but-" You cut her off by gently pulling her lips to yours in a sweet kiss.

"I love you too Sam, I'm not sure when I realized it, but I do and I was so miserable with him that I couldn't see what was right in front of me." She wrapped her arms around you and spun around, kissing you again.

"So, do you wanna go out with me sometime?"

You smacked her and said, "I think we can count today, after all, it would be a hell of a first date."

"Alright, so if we're already on a date, is it too soon to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

"Not at all," you smiled and kissed her again and again until you were both out of breath, "Are we gonna swim orrrr?"

"Of course you still want to swim." Sam rolled her eyes but splashed you with water and you guys got into an epic splash battle until the lights turned on in the house and her mom came out to tell you guys to go to bed.

Begrudgingly you got out of the pool and dried off before going inside to get ready for bed, and as you crawled into Sam's bed for what seemed like the millionth time, you realized something felt different, good, but different, and most importantly it felt right.

Second Chances (Samantha LaRusso x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now