Thank You

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"Mhmm, uh huh." Sam started to kiss your neck and you melted. Her hands trailed down to your thighs and started massaging them as you threw your head back to give her better access for kisses...

Sam trailed kisses down your neck and into the crook of your shoulder before gently moving your hair out of the way so she could continue. Your breath hitched as she found your sweet spot and began to lightly nip and suck at it.

"Oh god Sam, that feels so good."

She hummed against your skin and you felt her hands grip your hips tighter, pulling you to her. You grabbed her thighs for support as her hands made their way up your body and she began to massage your chest.

"Is this okay ladybug? We don't have to do anything if you're not up for it."

"No, Sam, please, for fuck's sake don't you dare stop."
"Shh," she soothed, "it's okay baby, I got you, I just wanted to make sure you're up for it since you were in the hospital today."

"When am I not up to fucking you?"

"I believe it is I who does the fucking here, babygirl." She was whispering into your ear and you shivered.

Sam laughed and you lightly swatted her leg, "Not funny Sam."

"Oh really? I thought it was hilarious."

"Shut up and kiss me." You grumbled as you turned your head to face her.

She tilted your chin up and connected your lips, kissing you deeply. Her other hand moved back down and gripped your hip as you tangled your hands in her hair.

"I wanna try something, are you up for that ladybug?"

"Uhh sure?"

"It'll be good, I promise. And if you don't like it, then we can just stop and move to the bedroom."

"Wait, that's not where we're going?"
"Not yet."

Sam gently pushed you off of her lap and you sat up, confused. She stood up and reached over you before sitting back down and pulling you to her again.

"What was that?"

"I just needed to grab something, c'mere baby."
She kissed you again and you quickly wrapped your arms around her again, twisting in her lap to be more comfortable. She lightly bit your lower lip and you parted your lips to let her in.

Suddenly, you felt a strange sensation and pressure on your clit, causing you to gasp in pleasure. You pulled away from the kiss and sunk deeper into Sam's arms as you realized that she had grabbed the handheld shower head when she stood up, but hadn't turned it on until now. You wrapped your arms around her thighs as she turned the pressure up and you moaned loudly. Sam reached between your legs and spread your lips, letting more of the water hit your most sensitive spot.

"Fuck, Sam." You moaned as she started kissing your neck again. You felt the tension rapidly building in your stomach and your breaths became shallow, "I'm gonna-gonna" and the tension pooling in your abdomen snapped, sending waves of pleasure rippling through your body. Your hips bucked and Sam had to hold you in place as you rode out your high.

Once you had stopped convulsing, you felt like putty and became limp in Sam's lap.

"Jesus Christ Sam."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fantastic, I just might not be able to stand up."

Sam laughed and placed a kiss on the side of your head, "that's okay ladybug, I got you."

Sam helped you out of the shower and wrapped you in a towel before setting you down on the counter to dry off and brush your teeth. She turned off the water and then grabbed her own towel. Sam stood in front of you and brushed her own teeth while you brushed your hair.

Once you were both done in the bathroom, Sam scooped you up again and carried you into her room where she deposited you on her bed. She tossed you a pair of pajamas which you wiggled into without getting off the bed as she put her own PJs on. You curled up under the sheets and Sam crawled into bed next to you, wrapping her arms around you and burying her face in your hair.

"Thanks Sam."

"You don't need to thank me for that ladybug, I love taking care of you."

"That's not quite what I meant, but I guess thanks for that too."

"What did you mean then?"

"I meant for all the stuff you've done for me today, I mean you came and rescued me from my house, and then you took me to the hospital for stitches because my asshole mother hit me with a beer bottle, and your dad picked up special food for me and had your mom cook something specifically for me. Just, everything I guess, I'm just not used to people wanting to help me."

"Well get used to it, because you live here now and we're gonna make sure you never have to see your mom again. Seriously y/n, my whole family loves you and we wouldn't have it any other way. I love you so much ladybug, and I'm so glad that you're out of that horrible situation and safe with me now."

"I love you too Sam, I'm glad that I'm here now too."

She kissed the side of your head and you turned in her arms to give her a proper kiss before curling into her side and falling asleep.

A/N: So sorry that this is late y'all, I legit didn't have time to finish it yesterday and then I had rehearsal right after school until 6:30. I actually have rehearsal right after school until 6-7 everyday for the next 2 ½ weeks and then we have performances and I'll be there until like 11pm every night for the evening shows so while my sunday's are free rn, they aren't really because I gotta catch up on sleep and homework I skipped during the week.. Y'all will still get weekly updates it might just take me a bit longer to get them out since I don't have time anymore lol

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