The Window

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A/N: I hinted at this in the last chapter but y/n's mom is hella abusive and this chapter deals with the fallout of a particularly bad incident so this is your TW.

You clutched your stomach as you fought the urge to throw up. You called Sam, sobbing, and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey ladybug, what's up?"

"She-she hit me Sam, my mom hit me, and not like before either, like full on hit me and now I'm bleeding." you started crying again as Sam tried to process what you just said.

"Jesus y/n, that's the worst it's ever been, is she drunk again?"

"Yeah, her and her new boyfriend are absolutely wasted," your breath hitched as you tried to stay calm.

"Okay, here's what I need you to do, pack up your stuff; as much of it as you possibly can and I'll be over in like 20 minutes."

"Okay, please hurry."

"I will baby, I promise."

She hung up the phone and you started rushing around your room to put your things in suitcases. Fortunately, most of your clothes were already at Sam's since you had been spending 3-4 nights there every week since you had talked to her parents.

When your mom had found out that you were dating Sam, she lost it. She went from neglecting you to hitting you, screaming at you, and calling you slurs. It hadn't been super physical until now, sure there was the occasional smack but this time she had broken a beer bottle across your face. It shattered on impact and left huge gashes in your face which you had cleaned up as best as you could, but there was only so much you could do with rubbing alcohol and bandaids. And her new boyfriend was worse, they would both come home drunk off their asses every night and they would find reasons to scream at you.

You had shoved everything you owned into a couple suitcases and your backpacks and now you were just waiting for Sam. All of your remaining clothes were in one along with your toiletries and meds, the other suitcase had your shoes and other assorted items that you had, and then you had your school backpack and the other backpack had the rest of your school supplies and all of your chargers for your phone and laptop and stuff.

POV Change

Sam's POV (surprise)

After y/n called me I immediately ran downstairs to get my dad. When I got there, he was sitting on the couch with my mom and they both looked up when they heard me run into the room.



"Slow down kiddo, what's wrong?"

"Y/n's mom hit her and apparently it's really bad, she called me sobbing and asked for help, we can bring her here, can't we?"

"She can stay here for now, but if it's as bad as you say, we should probably take it to the police so that we can build up a case against her mom and maybe even get custody of her until she turns 18."

"Thanks dad, can we go?"

"Let me grab my keys and then we'll go get her."

I gave him a quick hug and ran out to his car.

"Is y/n going to be ready for us?"

"I told her to pack her stuff and that we'd be there in like 20 minutes."

"Okay, tell her to go out her window so she doesn't have to face her mom with her bags."

"I'll text her and I'll let her know we're on our way."

POV Change

Your POV

Your phone beeped and it was a text from Sam saying that she and her dad were on their way and suggesting that you leave through the window to avoid your mom. You texted back to say okay and then started putting your things outside.

As you were getting your last bag out the window, Daniel's car pulled up and Sam jumped out and ran to your window, her dad following close behind her.

"Hey ladybug, is this all of your stuff?" She looked confused.

"Yeah, most of my clothes are already at your house."

"Okay let's get your suitcases first." She grabbed one and her dad grabbed the other and one of your backpacks and between the three of you, you got all of your bags into the trunk and were back in the car in a minute and a half.

Your face had started to bleed again from the force of jumping out the window and Sam was the first one to notice.

"Oh my god y/n, your face is bleeding like crazy, did your mom do that?" You just nodded as she stared at you in shock, "Dad, I think she needs to go to the hospital, those cuts look like they might need stitches."

"Alright, we'll go there first and after they let you out we'll pick up some dinner and take y/n home, if that's okay with you y/n?" Your eyes widened as you frantically shook your head, "I'm so stupid, our home y/n, we are not taking you back to your mother. If I can do anything about it, you'll never have to live with that woman again.

You let out a sigh of relief and relaxed into Sam as she pressed a cloth against your face to stop the blood.

"It's gonna be okay ladybug, dad already called his lawyers to see what we can do. Because of how bad this is and because we've all seen how bad you've been beaten up before, they said we have a pretty solid case to terminate her parental rights and possibly get custody of you."

"You guys would really do that for me?"

"Of course y/n, Amanda and I already told you that we think of you like a daughter, no one should have to live like that and we are more than happy to give you a new home." Daniel caught your gaze in the mirror and you gave him a weak smile.

Daniel pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and drove up to the entrance to let you and Sam out so you could get checked in while he parked the car. Sam walked you into the building and up to the check in desk of the ER.

"Hello ladies, what can I do for you?"

"Yeah uh y/n needs her face looked at."

"What seems to be wrong with it?" Sam pulled back the cloth from your face and the nurse looked shocked, "oh my, I'll make sure you see the doctor right away honey," she turned to Sam again, "are you expecting anyone else here today? Anyone here to help her or anyone we should keep out?"

"My dad is just parking the car so he'll be here in a minute, I'm not sure if her mom will show up or not but if she does, please send her away, she's the one who cut y/n's face."

"Okay dear, if you could take y/n to go sit down, someone will call you back shortly."

Sam guided you to the waiting room and there you sat, alone, until Daniel came in and joined you."

A/N: enjoy some angst courtesy of valentine's day and the fact that I like torturing my characters occasionally.

1250 words

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