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When you woke up Sam was playing with your hair absentmindedly and her dad was pulling into their driveway. You yawned and stretched as best as you could given that you were laying across the backseat with your head in your girlfriend's lap.

"Hey sleepyhead, feeling any better?" You nodded and nuzzled into her stomach and started falling asleep again. "Nononono, you gotta wake up, we just got home, don't you wanna get cleaned up and eat something?"

"No, I jus'wanna sleep." your voice was muffled by her shirt and you closed your eyes again.

"Ladybug, I can't carry you inside and dad has to get the food so either you get your ass up or you're sleeping in the car. You choose, and no I'm not sleeping out here with you."

"Ughh finee I'll get up," you sat up and unbuckled your seatbelt, "I'm starving, I haven't eaten since breakfast."

"Let's go inside then, we can get your stuff after dinner. While you were asleep, dad and I called mom and asked her to make you some plain rice so you're not stuck with just ice cream. No one would blame you if that's all you want though."

"Are you kidding? Your mom's rice is amazing, let's go."

She got out of the car and then offered you her hand and helped you out. You both walked into the house and immediately went to the kitchen where Daniel and Amanda were talking quietly.

"Y/n honey, how do you feel? Are you doing any better?" Amanda wrapped you in a hug and you mumbled a small "yes" as best as you could from inside her bone crushing hug.

"Let's get you some food and then you can go upstairs and take a shower while we bring your things in and Sam can bring you some pjs, does that sound okay?"

"That sounds amazing actually, the hospital cleaned up my face but blood dripped all over my neck and chest too so a shower sounds wonderful."

"Here's some rice, you're welcome to have more if you want it or you can switch to ice cream, I put the jello in the fridge but it won't be ready for a couple hours so that's off the table for now."

You quickly dug into your rice while the rest of them unpacked the takeout Daniel had picked up while he was driving you guys home.

Dinner was pretty quiet and you ate very quickly, eager to take a hot shower and get the rest of the blood off. Once you had finished eating, you set your dishes in the sink and ran up to Sam's room to take a shower. You grabbed a towel and thought about stealing a shirt and some sweats from her but Amanda said that Sam would grab some of your pjs so you decided against it, plus the bathroom was attached to Sam's room so having to walk out in just a towel wasn't the worst thing.

You got into the steaming shower and started washing your hair first, Sam's soap smelled so good and you loved that you would smell just like her now. You were rinsing your hair when you heard the door to the bathroom open and you peaked around the curtain to see Sam.

"Hey ladybug, mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." You grinned and gestured that she could come in so she stripped and stepped into the shower behind you.

"I brought your pajamas in so they're on the bed for you, I also grabbed your slippers since you're always complaining about how cold your feet are."

"Thanks babe," you gave her a small kiss before pulling away to finish rinsing your hair.

As you were reaching for the conditioner, Sam grabbed your wrist and stopped you, "here, let me help." you nodded slowly and she started lathering the conditioner into your hair and massaging your scalp. It felt so good you had to suppress a moan as she worked it through your hair. "Okay, I'm gonna grab the handheld now and rinse it you," she reached around you and grabbed the separate handheld from the wall and turned it on to rinse out your hair. Once she was done with your hair, she tapped your shoulder and had you turn around to face her, "I'm so sorry about all this baby, if I could've prevented any of it, I would have."

"I know you would, and it's not your fault so don't beat yourself up over it. You convinced your parents to rescue me and then let me move in with you guys, that's more than enough." You rested your forehead against hers before kissing her again and she wrapped her arms around you.

Placing her head on your shoulder, she said: "I love you ladybug."

"I love you too Sam, but I really do want to wash all this blood off now."

"Oh, right, my bad." She blushed and you giggled and pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

"It's all good babe, thank you for washing my hair."

"Of course," she smiled and pecked your lips before starting to wash her own hair and giving you space to scrub all of the blood off.

Even though you had both finished washing up, neither of you could muster up the strength to get out of the warm shower so you had ended up sitting between Sam's legs on the floor of the tub. She had her arms wrapped loosely around your waist and was absentmindedly drawing little patterns onto your hip. You let out a small sigh as the water continued to hit your legs and the steam made you relax further into your girlfriend's chest.

"This is nice, we should do this more often."

"Hmm? Sit on the floor in my shower?"


"We could fill up the tub and take a bath y'know."

"Well yeah, but I was so covered in blood I didn't wanna sit in that."

"That's fair, I do agree with you though, this is nice. I could get used to this, I don't know if you've realized but I just like being close to you."

"I like being close to you too, and since I live here now, I don't have to leave and we can be close all the time."

"Mhmm, uh huh." Sam started to kiss your neck and you melted. Her hands trailed down to your thighs and started massaging them as you threw your head back to give her better access for kisses...

To be continued...

A/N: sorry to cut it short y'all but if I continue this now it's gonna end up with damn near 3000 words and I don't have time for that lol so I guess you'll just have to wait until next week

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