𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞

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Narrator Pov

"You men brought him right in time he would have flat line other wise" the doctor told Jason and zyan.

Scott was back home with the ladies still feeling uneasy after the pistole had cracked his head opened where Danny had hit him.

"Where are you guys taking me ?" Cierra cried in the back seat where she sat blind folded and tied up.

Fear ran throw her body she didn't know what to expect, the men she once knew were gone and were now different and would have killed her if jeff didn't say a word about her pregnancy.

Jacob drove to the destination where they would drop off cierra. They came to a stop in front of a apartment complex taking off the blind fold "here's the deal . . You'll be living here from now on. . We're gonna go back to our lives I'm gonna pay your rent only because of that baby but you . . Your dead to me" Alex told his daughter.

Cierra held back her tears and nodded "I'll cover medical expenses I'm sure that's what your mother would want me to do . . Besides that dont contact us"

Jeff had finally woke up after being unconscious for the past two days, "I wanna see her" Jeff repeatedly told his brothers.

Everything was still a blur to him, "hello?" Jason answered the unknown number.

"Wittek awake yet?" "He just woke up" Jason clenched his. "Put me on speaker we have a message for you all"

Jason did as told, it was only Jason and Jeff in the hospital room but they would assure everyone back home of the message.

"Wittek hope you can hear me because this message is very important. . First off the only reason why we didn't kill you guys is because of cierra think about it as a trade she sacrificed her life for your guys. . Second off and I wanna make this very clear all you Wittek members will be falling off the grid, we don't wanna see you guys moving anything around what was once yours is now ours. You guys can keep your savings but everything else is ours . . Lastly you are not to come in contact with cierra same goes for her she's not to contact any one of you . . It was nice doing business with you boy don't ever mess with the Ramirez mafia"

Cierra's Pov

"Here are your keys, I'll be in contact with you" my father said motionless. He handed me a envelope that had a bit of money. I didn't wanna accept it but I knew I would need it.I held myself together as I watched him walk away with his hands in his pocket.

I walked in the apartment building and towards the elevator, pressing the number 3 before the doors closed.

My feet felt heavy as I walked down the hall not having the strength to walk. I slid my back against the door as I closed it, why me ?! I cried as I stared into the empty apartment. I wanted to call Jeff and tell him where I was but remembered Jacob's threat.

"Next time I will kill him"

My vision became blurry from how much I was crying, my head started pounding and i before I knew it I was asleep on the floor dreaming about a different life.

"I love you please don't leave me jeff". . "I love you princess I'll always be with you"

The growling from my stomach and pain that shot through my head woke me up. I sat on the floor playing with the bracelet Jeff had gave me for Christmas "I love you" i whispered as if somehow Jeff would hear me.

I got up looking around the small apartment, the kitchen was by the entrance of the front door. It wasn't much I would have to get myself some furniture but for now all I could think about was getting food in my system for my baby. .

I really don't know how I would move around. I don't even know where am at.

This is my karma, this is what I get for playing my cards wrong.

This wouldn't have happened if I just didn't fall in love for the enemy.

But I'll find my way back to him regardless of what anyone tells me.

✨ if you've read this far , you've made it to the last chapter of my book the mafia's princess 👑 i appreciate all of you who've read the book and enjoyed it♥️ a second chapter will be coming I'm working on it just wait xoxo ✨

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