𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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Jeff Pov
I watched as the last of the people walked out of the club and headed towards the office "good day of work don't you say?" Madison says. Madison was the only girl besides Selena Jason's girlfriend we actually kept around that we trusted, all the other girls we just fuck and leave them. Madison had proven her worthy of our trust, I'm not gonna lie part of the reason I kept her around was because of the sex. "Yea lets get going back to the house" the guys already had headed over it was just me and Madison , the security was out front keeping look out. "Let's have a little fun before heading home" Madison kisses my neck but I was to busy thinking about Cierra and how to get her to get to her family.  "We gotta get going" I say before grabbing my gun and heading out.

"Alrighty so what's the plan" Jason asked, "Madison how much you like school?" Scott asked obviously not expecting a answer "hope you like it cause our security followed Cierra and she goes to college and stays in the dorms" I added "why can't Selena go to school?" She whined "you do as your told Madison" I sneered. " just because she's dating Jason doesn't mean she gets-" "I said you do as your told!" I towered over her choking her , my blood was boiling at the fact that she was questioning her job right now.  Fear in her eyes she nodded "okay" "thank you don't question me ever again" I kiss her lips softly before standing up straight and fixing my self.

"Any questions?" "Just one, how do we know what class Cierra is taking?" Zyan asked "we'll figure some shit out" Jason said, we always figured it out.

  Cierra Pov
"Do you guys have pictures of these wittek guys?" I asked my brothers who were currently giving me a lecture about the club where I was at last night. "No this idiot here for forgot to take pictures while he was checking out the place" Danny pointed at Jacob "just stay away from there , last thing we need is something happening to our princess" I looked over and immediately ran over to my father who was standing by the entrance of the office. Since I go to school 5 days a week and don't live here with them i hardly see my parents "where's mom?" "She's getting dinner ready, you are staying I hope?" "Of course I miss home made meals"

"Thank you for dinner that lasagna was amazing mom" "you welcome sweetie, your always welcomed to come over for dinner" she says and she loaded the dish washer. It was getting late, my brothers and father had gone to take care of some business. "I should get going mom you gonna be okay alone?" "You asking me? Hunny I'm gonna be okay" she lifted up her shirt flashing a gun, okay mom I see you. I said my goodbyes before heading out, I got into my car and drove back to the dorms where Maia was I hope. She usually will sneak out and won't be home till late, if you're wondering yes Maia knows about my family she doesn't judge us and treats us like normal people.

I walked towards my dorm room I held onto my purse tightly as it was already 8:30pm and it was dark out already, "excuse me mind helping? I just need to know where dorm room number 209 is" wow she was beautiful,  "sorry my names Madison, Madison beer" she was carrying a box but put it down on the bench that was near us. She was a little taller than me by a inch or two , her hair was in a messy bun and she had on some shorts that showed off her long legs along with a crop top. "My names Cierra, 209 is this way im actually in room 205 so a couple rooms down" we walked towards the elevator "so late into the course , they still let you move into the dorm?" I asked "um yeah i was doing online but i decided i wanted to try dorm living" she said nervously.  "What class you taking?" "Im going for law" she quickly stepped out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened "I'll be seeing you around then thank you" and before I could say anything she zoomed off to the room.
To Jacob- hey , does the wittek family also have girls involved ?
From Jacob- wassup, no girls that we know of why? Is there someone suspicious?
To Jacob- it's probably nothing, I might just be over reacting. Location is on if I go missing haha

I was honestly going crazy she's probably just supper shy, i walked into the room and sure enough Maia was here but with a friend. "Hey Cierra this is Zyan" she gestured towards the handsome guy, wait this is the same guy from the club. "Hi" I nervously say. Cierra odds are he's just a normal guy, I told my self.

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