𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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    Cierra's Pov
I walked around the CF Toronto Eaton Centre with Kristina, Jeff was with us but disappeared. I had everything I needed I didn't wanna over do the shopping since Jeff was buying and didn't wanna be selfish and waste tons on clothes. "Everything is so beautiful I don't know what set to get" Kristina said as we walked around Victoria secret, "I always go with lace but comfy" I say. "You're right keep it sexy but comfortable" she smiled as she grabbed some panties and bras placing them in the shopping bag.

"Has Jeff told you when you guys are leaving?" Kristina asked as we walked out of the shop after paying. "no why?" I asked "it's just Christmas is coming up and I would really love for you to still be here" she smiled. "That's sweet Kristina, I hope we could be here i see you as I would my mother I'm comfortable around you" I cooed.

As we walked around the mall i bumped into someone making my bags fall "fuck sorry" I mumbled as I leaned down grabbing the bags, "sorry princess it's all my fault I wasn't watching where I was going" I looked up at the face that belonged to the beautiful British accent, "Hardin?" Kristina asked , I was taken back for a moment "oh hi Kristina nice seeing you again, how you doing?" His accent was so heavy but attractive, "I'm doing fine hun, how's your father? I'm hoping to see you both at dinner this weekend"

I stood there watching as they had a conversation, The man or Hardin as Kristina called him was standing with his arms crossed across his chest talking to her. He had green almost hazel eyes and short hair but you could tell it was a dirty blonde. He wore a long black sleeve shirt but a tattoo peeped through the top near his neck "found you" a voice I knew to well whispered in my ear.

"Where were you?" I asked turning around facing Jeff "who's that?" He ignored my question and gestured towards Hardin and Kristina. I shrugged "I don't know he ran into me ... guess your mom knows him", "mom We're leaving Let's go" Jeff calls out grabbing my hand. "Sorry again princess won't happen again" Hardin said referring to what had happened a couple minutes ago, Jeff squeezed my hand making me wince "what the fuck did he just call you?" Jeff said clenching his jaw. "Let's go Jeff it was nothing" I say as I start walk away holding his hand.

"Mom how do you know that guy?" Jeff asked as he drove us home, "He's Vance son" " who's Vance ?" Jeff asked his knuckles white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. "He's a friend of mine from work" she simply said, but we all knew what she meant by that. "They'll be coming over this Saturday for dinner I hope you can be on your best behavior" Kristina says as we pull in the driveway.

I get off grabbing my bags but Jeff stops me "I'll take them in" he said stern , "thank you" I say leaning up giving him a kiss. His arm snakes around my waist pulling me closer deepening the kiss, the kiss was everything but passionate. He pressed his lips against mine, he was greedy and rough. His arm still around my waist he pinned me against the car, I was taken back from his actions. I tried pushing him off but he was much stronger, he licked my lower lips seeking entrance but I didn't give in. I gasped as he bit on my bottom lip giving him entrance, his tongue fighting with mine making me moan unintentionally.

"Tell me what i wanna hear" Jeff said out of breath as he pulled away from the kiss "what do you wanna hear Jeff?" "Tell me your mine" his voice stern, his jaw clenched his eyes dark full of lust. I was taken back by his actions I've never seen this side of him, "tell me" he ordered giving my waist a squeeze. "Your hurting me" I whispered "fucking hell cierra tell me!" He yelled, "I'm y-yours" I stuttered afraid.

"Jeff let her go" I turned my face seeing Maia and Zyan "mind your own business zyan" Jeff said still having a grip around my waist. "Jeff you're really hurting me" I say grabbing his hand, "go inside" he whispers as he loosens up his grip.

Jeff's Pov
I watched as cierra walked inside with Maia, "bro what the fuck was all that about?" I shrugged ignoring zyan, I don't even know what that was about. Something about hearing someone else call Cierra princess made my blood hot, just thinking about it got me upset. "You good?" Zyan asked "yeah I'm alright" I say hoping he would leave me alone. I grabbed the bags from the car before walking past Zyan. I walked in the bedroom placing the bags down and went straight to lay in bed, is this how your supposed to act when someone talks to your wait she isn't even my girlfriend.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head as the door opened up, Cierra walked in quietly grabbing her bags "where you going?" "No where... just wanna show Maia what I got" cierra said her voice low almost as if she was afraid, I would be scared of me also after my stunt I pulled back there.

"Cierra wait" I got off the bed and walked over approaching her, she didn't move just stood there waiting for me to speak. "I'm sorry, I don't know what took over me back there ... just hearing someone else call you princess it just... makes me feel like you ain't only mine" I sigh "Jeff last time I checked I wasn't anyone's... I choose to come with you yes , but that doesn't mean I'm yours ... we never made things official" I was dumbfounded by her words. "Excuse me now" she whispered walking past me, I didn't stop her I let her walk out.

I need to make her mines before someone else does ...

- writers block 👀🤍-

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