𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊

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Cierra Pov
I felt someone's hand hit me in the face making me groan and push it away, "ouch bitch" i opened my eye seeing Maia on the car floor  "sorry" I laughed. Zyan and Jeff sat in the front zyan was in the passenger seat and Jeff was driving. Scott and Madison left with Jason and Selena, I hated that they brought Madison along but didn't say anything. I sat up straight in my seat and Maia sat next to me, I must have fallen asleep with her the seats were wide enough for us two. "I missed you" she said hugging me "I missed you too" I cooed keeping my eyes on Jeff and the road. I looked at the time and it was about to be five in the afternoon but it still looked gloomy out, "if I may ask, where we going?" I say nervously "Canada" Jeff says motionless. I decided not to say anything after that instead I just looked out the window admiring the view.

I got off the car when Jeff did at the gas station once again, the air was cold I'm guessing we were no where near New York . As ridiculous as it sounds the air felt more clean, I followed Jeff inside the gas station "want anything?" I nodded "just need to use the restroom if that's okay" he nodded. I walked in the restroom and into a stall "don't understand why they had to bring her she's the enemy or have the fucking forgot?" I heard Madison say from outside the stall. "I think Jeff's really in love with her that's why" Selena said "well bitch better watch out cause the sex will have him back on my feet in no time" she laughed. I flushed the toilet before walking out thankfully they were in the stalls they couldn't see the tears that rolled down my face out of anger. I dried my hands before walking out, to my surprise Jeff wasn't waiting by the door.

I got in the car Maia was on the phone "yes table for eight please, okay great thank you" she hung up, "I just made- whats wrong?" She said noticing how upset I was. "Just frustrated that's all" I whispered, I leaned my head on the car window "Okay... now tell me what's really wrong" I looked over at her "I over heard Madison and Selena in the restroom...I know it shouldn't get to me because me and Jeff ain't together but it does because" "Because you love him" she whispered making me burst out in tears out of frustration and realizing I did love him.
"Jeff's coming stop crying" Maia said I whipped my tears on my sleeve, as Jeff opened the door the smell of cigarette lingered on him. "So i called the restaurant that's up ahead so we could eat... I'm starving" Maia says rubbing her stomach "alright I'll let Scott know" Jeff says "I'll go" Maia says getting off the car beating Jeff to it.

I followed along as the waitress showed us our table. Madison quickly took my seat next to Jeff I bit the inside on my cheek, i let her sit there not wanting to start up anything. I sat at the end of the table near Maia, "fucking cunt" maia whispered making me chuckle. "Hi my names Debbie may I start you off with some drinks?" The waitress asked, she wrote down our orders and left. I looked over at Jeff who was talking to Madison, I watched as she ran her fingers through his hair. "She's trying to upset you don't let it get to you" Maia whispered as she looked at her menu, It was hard not to.

"You didn't even eat... take it to go" Maia said "I ate my fries" I shrug, she rolled her eyes. We walked towards the car as the boys paid, "gonna be starving later watch" she got in the back seat and I watched as the passenger door opened Madison getting in "hi girls" she said flashing a fake smile. "What are you doing here Madison?" "Making Jeff some company he said Cierra doesn't ... said sum about her sleeping through all of this so-" I got off the car cutting her off. I walked over to Jeff who was walking out, "I- I regret coming" i spat out. He looked taken back "what?" "I regret coming I'm not asking you to take me back but just leave me here I'll find my way back" i cried softly. "I can't do that princess" he grabbed my arm but I pulled away "don't touch me" "get in the car Cierra please we need to get going" I nodded and took a seat on the bench. He shrugged and walked over picking me up, I slammed my fist on his back "I don't wanna be anywhere near you" I cried , "I hate you" I yelled as he tossed me in the back seat with Maia " I hate you too" he said. Maia wrapped her arms around me as I cried.

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