𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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   Cierra Pov
"Where you both going so late at night?" Selena asked me as i sat on the couch waiting for Jeff to come down stairs, "he promised me he would take me to get some fresh air" I simply say. I had now changed into some jeans and sneakers and a sweater, "mhm" she said not sounding convinced "whatever you do don't try and run" she whispered i shot her a glare . Almost as if she had read my mind, " I promise you it gets easier" "easier or you just get used to it?" I asked. She smiled and leaned over "it gets easier", Before I could say another word I heard foot steps above us, I looked behind me seeing Madison walking out of Jeff's room . I watched as he looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair, he walked down the stairs he had on some dark blue jeans and long sleeve white shirt and his sneakers. "Ready?" He asked, what was she doing in your room? Was what i wanted to ask but i couldn't because we weren't anything we kissed once it didn't mean anything. "Yeah" I say, we walked outside and I looked around seeing the house from the front for the first time

 "Yeah" I say, we walked outside and I looked around seeing the house from the front for the first time

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He unlocked his car and opened up the passenger door for me, and I got in. His car reeked of marijuana and his cologne call me nasty but that was a turn on. He started his car and we sat in silence for the first couple of minutes as he drove down the road, our windows rolled down and the music playing. I looked at him confused as he made a right heading towards a dark road, "gonna kill me?" "Maybe" he flashed a smile. He kept driving on the road until we came to a dead end , he put his car on park and got off coming around and opening my door. He took ahold of my hand and locked his car, we walked for a bit before we got to a bench.

I was memorized with the beauty of the Manhattan Skyline, I've lived here all my life and never had I ever taken a moment to sit down and admire the beauty of New York. That and my father never really let me out of his sight, we were on the opposite side of town water separating us from the city. I looked around seeing no one around us just us, "how do you know about this place?" "I just do" Jeff shrugged. "Bring all the babes here?" I asked "nope just you princess" he said while lighting a joint, he inhaled the smoke and let out a big cloud of smoke. "I would offer but I'm sure you don't smoke" "there's a lot you don't know Jeff stop assuming" I honestly had never smoked in my life I found it kinda hypocritical if I was studying to save people's lives and here I was smoking, but honestly who cares now. I walked towards Jeff and he handed me the joint, I've clearly seen people do it so I knew what to do. I placed the joint between my lips and and inhaled the smoke, i tried holding in the smoke but started coughing once the smoke entered my lungs. "You good ?" Jeff laughed I handed back the joint and nodded letting the smoke out "y-yeah" I laughed.

We both sat on the bench quietly just looking at the lights, crazy how it was so silent here but back in the city it was so loud 24/7. "How did you find this place? all my years of living never had I been here before" "just know about it" he shrugged and took out his phone , 1:25am i caught a glimpse of the time. "So when do I get to go home?" "Soon" was all he said before standing up and picking up a pebble and tossing it in the water making it skip. "What's soon? I miss my family" my voice low and shaky "soon cierra I'm working on it" "sure hope so im tired of being at your house i feel so left out" i blurted out without hesitation. Jeff turned quick on his heels "I mean you are from another mafia princess of course your gonna be left out" he chuckled "I meant my best friend likes you guys more then me" I scuffed and stood up also grabbing a pebble and making it skip in the water. "Well she likes zyan more than she likes you correction, she hates me" his laugh was contagious making me laugh.

"It's getting late we should head back" "I wanna watch the sunrise" I say, "my brothers would kill me if they knew I took you out of the house". I walked towards Jeff and grabbed his hands interlocking our fingers "all though I hate you I wouldn't let them do that, please just let me see the sunrise" I begged. But Jeff stuck to his word he nodded "no" he said stern. Dropping his hands I began to walk back to the car like a little kid who didn't get the candy they wanted. I really just wanted to kill time before I had to go back to being locked in the room. Jeff unlocked the car and I got in the passenger side slamming the door "chill the fuck out" he shot me a glare frustration filled them, I ignored him and he got in and began to drive back.

I looked out the window remembering the roads and names of the streets that he took to get back to his house, if he wont let me free I'll find a way.

~ I have about 6 unpublished chapters just don't know if I should release them just yet 🤔~

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