the hunt and the horse.

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Layla awoke to the gentle shakes of Glenn, surprised that the morning Georgian sun or the heat trapped from beneath the wooly blanket covering her had not awoken her first.

"You sleep out here all night?" Glenn asked with a light laugh as Layla opened her eyes unwantedly.

"I guess I did," She yawned, throwing off her blanket and stretching her arms and legs out in front of her. 'Blanket? This isn't mine.'

"You look like you got a good sleep for once, huh?" Dale said with a smile as he came up behind Glenn.

"I actually did...Surprisingly." She smiled, wondering if it was obvious she was constantly sleep-deprived, "Is this yours?" She asked him, folding up the blanket neatley. He shook his head with a little smile, so she tucked it under her arm with a blush at the realisation of who it most likely belonged to. Glenn let out a little chuckle.

"You better shut up," She said lowly, crossing her eyebrows as her face went a light shade of pink.

"I didn't say anything," Glenn held up his hands, his face holding a gigantic open mouthed smile as he tried to let his laughs out silently, "I think lover-boy is over by his bike if you wanna give it back to him though."

"I'd kill you if I had the energy Glenn." Dale and Glenn watched her red face hop over to Daryl, her boots hitting the asphalt a little angrier than usual.

"Don't tease her too much." Dale smiled.

"I can't promise anything." Glenn said back.

Daryl was busy sifting through a backpack that he'd placed on the seat of his bike, the sun already forming sweat on his forehead and exposed tattooed arms. Layla coughed a little to get his attention. He looked up a bit awkwardly.

"This yours?" Layla asked, holding up the blanket.

"Uhhh, yeah, kinda." Daryl replied. Layla raised her eyebrows with a smirk.

"I'll just leave it here then," she said attempting to pop it on the front of his bike.

"Nah, you keep it," He stopped her, "I found it in one of the cars last night for ya. It ain't mine, not really."

"Y-You found it for me?"

"You looked cold." Daryl said nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders, his attention returning to the backpack.

Layla didn't know what to say. In much the same way Daryl struggled to understand why someone would compliment him, Layla struggled to understand why someone would go out of their way to do something nice for her. Her face had turned red; she could feel the blood rushing under her skin. She could only mumble a thank you and hurry off into the RV, hoping her flustered response wasn't too obvious. Glenn watched silently in happy amusement.

When everyone had changed into appropriate clothing, the group congregated around Rick's car to discuss the day's task of finding Sophia. The air was thick, the atmosphere already tense and awkward. The heat made Layla wheeze a little, out of breath.

"Ya'lright?" Rick asked as the group gathered around to hear the plan, the wheezing from Layla's chest the only thing currently echoing amongst the group.

Her current inhaler was tucked deep and safe inside her jean pocket. She tapped it, "I'm good. It's just the heat."

Rick nodded, albiet still concerned, and followed by addressing the group. He laid out numerous weapons on the bonnet of a car. "Everybody takes a weapon." He began.

Layla stepped up first. Already having a knife in the side of her leather boot made her feel safe, but the crowbar that shined free of any rust or blood seemed awfully tempting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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