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Rattling and clanging, the CDC doors opened and everyone ushered in; Layla feeling her head spin like she'd taken too many shots of tequila. The familiar sour taste of liquor was not on her tongue however, and as she tried to focus her visuals seemed to merge together in a spiral of grey hues.

"Anybody infected?" A voice spoke from within the compound. Layla tried her best to focus on where the sound was coming from. It was coming from higher off the ground than they were but when she looked up her head felt heavy.

Rick began to talk to the man who had appeared in front of them, gun in hand mirroring the group.

"Why are you here?" The man questioned, "What do you want?"

"A chance." Rick begged, hesitation clear.

"That's asking an awful lot these days." Layla thought that their voices sounded as though they were speaking underwater, or as if she was trapped in a box with thick walls and they were talking outside.

"You okay Layla?" Dale whispered to her as Rick continued to speak to the man seemingly in charge of the place, his eyes noticing her change in complexion and her shift in posture, "You aren't lookin' so bright."

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." The stranger spoke, lowering his weapon and opening his building to allow the group safety and shelter.

Layla hadn't even realised she was stumbling and almost falling to the floor until she felt the touch of Daryl's arms grabbing her around her waist and propped her up with her arm around his neck.

"Oh God, is she okay?" Jacqui hurried to Layla's side in worry.

"Get her some water." Daryl called out, not really to anyone specific as the group hurried to bring in their belongings.

Jacqui hurried, unscrewing a bottle of water for Layla, "Here baby, try to sip this."

"What happened?" Rick asked seriously, "Something get her?"

"Nah," Daryl shook his head, "Idiots just run down."

"You suck." Layla whispered, trying her hardest to stop slumping against the redneck.

"When did you last eat?" Dale asked worried. Layla only shrugged as the group followed the man to a wide metal modern elevator that he had originally stepped out of. Daryl kept his arm around Layla and helped her walk.

"She hurt?" The man, who had introduced himself as Dr Jenner, spoke as they hurried into the lift. Thankfully, the dimly lit lights were easy on Layla's impending migraine. Her vision was off and she couldn't move legs without her knees and ankles buckling under her weight. As they walked Layla's feet draggedbehind her and for a moment Layla thought Daryl might either throw her over his shoulder or leave her on the floor.

"She's exhausted," Jacqui tucked a stray curl behind Layla's ear, "The girl doesn't sleep and hasn't eaten properly in days. She's runnin' on empty."

"She's been through a lot..." Dale sighed sadly, "She needs rest. We all do."

"Will Layla be okay?" Carl asked aloud as he looked at the older girl, drained and unable to stand on her own.

"For a girl who ain't ate in days she sure weighs a lot." Daryl commented as he still gripped her tightly to stop her from falling.

"You callin' me fat Dixon?" Layla laughed tiredly, "I'll kick your ass."

"Yeah," Rick smiled, somehow reassuring the entire group as he spoke to his son, "She'll be just fine."

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