hot and cold.

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Nobody could sleep the night of the attacks. Nobody.

Layla sat overlooking the quarry, her knees up to her face with her arms wrapped tightly around them. She clung to the grey fleece jumper that Dale had given her tightly, but the quiet sobs that came from Andrea as she cried over Amy's body made her feel colder than ever. She could hear Sophia crying over her Dad, Ed, too.

She jumped when a white and seemingly heavy plastic bag dropped down next to her. Daryl stood awkwardly next to it.

"What do you want?" Layla asked, wiping away at her wet eyes. She was getting sick of crying around Daryl all the time.

"Couldn't sleep."

Daryl sat down next to her when she didn't respond. He passed her the bag without a word.

"What is this?" Layla asked curiously, confused by his shift in attitude.

He sighed, "Saw a guy have an asthma attack today...Scared the hell outta me."

Layla opened the bag. It had boxes upon boxes of inhalers in, all sealed and full. Layla smiled at Daryl; a thank you without words.

"Are you okay?" Layla asked genuinely after a few moments of silence, "And I know it's a stupid question but I wouldn't ask it if I didn't really want to know how you're feeling."

"He's alive...Merle." Daryl said, "He's good so... I'm dealin' with it."

Layla nodded.

"Are you?" Daryl asked.

"Am I what?"


"No." Layla said sadly, "No, I'm not."

Daryl nodded. He already knew that but he wanted to take her advice. He knew these people where the ones he had to rely on now, not Merle, and he wanted them to see him as one of them. Realistically, he wanted her to see him as one of them. He wanted her to like him, and he felt guilty after his outburst at her.

"Thanks Dixon." Layla said, standing up from her seat next to him, "You still owe me a coffee though."

"Whatever." Daryl said grumpily but Layla just smiled. She knew he didn't mean to be mean. Neither did she. And she'd take a passive 'Whatever' over a 'She-Devil' any day.

Daryl watched her walk off towards Andrea and Amy, bag of inhalers in hand. She took off her fleece and crouched down next to Andrea, wrapping the fleece around her cold shoulders and planting a comforting kiss to her head.


The sun was hot on Layla's face. Her back and legs ached.

"Layla," Glenn shook her softly, "Layla, wake up."

Layla opened her eyes slightly but covered her face once the light of the sun burned them. She was leaning against the RV, back straight and legs out, covered with only a slightly worn tartan blanket. She had mud and dusk in her hair and under her nails. She felt like she had had less hard-hitting hangovers.

"Wake up!" Daryl shouted loudly, "Got work to do."

"Shut up Idiot." Layla yawned and stretched dramatically. 'Cute,' Daryl thought. He normally would have laughed seeing her all dishevelled and sleepy calling him an idiot but considering he was dragging bodies and burning them in a pile he didn't really feel like smiling.

"Did you sleep out here all night?" Glenn asked passing her a coffee as Layla put her messy curls into a top bun out of her face and off of her neck. She spotted Andrea, still latched onto Amy's body.

I'm With You ➝ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now