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Layla couldn't sleep that night. She had tried but every time her eyes seemed to close her mind drifted off into thoughts of bloodshed, death and decay. Her eyes were puffy that morning, bloodshot and red, her curled hair pulled back into a knot at the top of her head. She looked and felt like crap, still, Dale insisted on telling her she looked 'chipper' that morning as she helped Carol to wash clothes and cook breakfast.

"You're only saying that to make me feel better Dale." Layla smiled as she dunked a shirt into soapy water.

"Daryl's still not back?" Layla asked concerned as she scrubbed away at the stains with nothing but her hands. Carol was pressing some dried shirts and folding them into piles.

"Not that I've saw," She responded, "I'm sure we'd have heard something by now if he was."

"That's true." Layla said, scrubbing a little harder at the sweat soaked socks.

"You worried about him?" Carol asked.

"No." Layla said a little too quickly and Carol smiled knowingly.

"You sure are scrubbing them clothes hard. You sure?"

"Well...yeah. I guess I am...a little bit."

Carol gave her a little smirk but didn't ask her about it anymore.

"Here," Carol said handing her a pile of freshly pressed and clean shirts, "These are Dale's, you take 'em I'll finish this up."

Layla nodded and made her way towards the men.

"You wanna help with the car?" Jim asked as Layla made her way towards them, all at work stripping the car Glenn had brought back the previous night.

"Oh hell no! Glenn would have my head if I partook in any of this." Layla said, "He know your destroying his baby?"

"I do now!" Glenn said, pulling his cap over his messy black mop of hair. Layla passed Dale his clothes with a wordless nod.

"Look at 'em. Vultures." Glenn commented to Rick, the groups newest arrival, who had also awoke and approached the group, "Yeah, go on, strip it clean!"

"Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. Got no power without it. Sorry, Glenn." Dale responded.

Glenn sighed, a true look of hurt on his face, "Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days."

"Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday." Rick replied and Layla smiled. 'He's cool.' She thought.

Rick gave her a smile back and went to find Lori.

"Any of you saw Daryl this morning?" Layla asked.

"He's still not back?" Glenn asked. Layla shook her head, "You think he's alright out there on his own?"

"Daryl's smart," Dale said, "He'll show up eventually. Don't you be worrying."

"Why does everyone keep saying I'm worried?" Layla asked with a sigh.

"Cause you are stupid," Glenn said with a smile, nodding to Shane's truck that was pulling back into camp, "Shane's back, want some water?"

"I will!" Jim announced as he tore out some wires from the steering wheel.

Glenn sighed loudly as he watched. If it wasn't for the screaming coming from within the woods she would have followed him. Carl and Sophia's shouts for help were matched with Lori and Carol's shouts for their children. Everyone in the camp became alive with fear, grabbing the nearest thing they could and running down towards the screams. Layla hesitated at first, watching Glenn pass Rick a large metal pole and run into the shrubbery before she took out her knife and followed behind them, Amy and Andrea in tow. They were all terrified of what might be waiting for them beyond the trees.

I'm With You ➝ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now