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Lies. In a moment you tell something far from the truth, normally to spare someone’s feelings, get what you want or get out of trouble. Seems pretty harmless on the surface, issue being: a small white lie can snowball to a huge mess.

I lied. I told the doctor at the hospital that Sahara was my fiancé. The media somehow found out about this. Not only did they have pictures of me taking her out of the hospital but a whole lot from the gala and- and this is why lying is toxic.

Once you start lying you have to create more lies to keep up with the first.

The day Sahara woke up with no recollection of who I was or who she is seems light years away. She was in and out of sleeping. The pain medication they had her on was strong. This gave me enough time to handle the press.

Two of the most powerful people in business were together. The press was eating this up. My P.R team was able to control the damage, suing everyone who even opened their mouth to utter anything bad about Sahara.

Even without her memory Sahara is still a fiery woman. A few hours ago she had shown me a picture off a tabloid of our engagement. Before this we have only talked once on the day she woke up. That conversation did not really hold up much as she was crying on my shoulder. The second Liam had left the room happy as a bee with honey she was in tears- “What kind of mother am I?” she kept asking- the nurse I hired had been taking care of her as I had to work.

Not only did I have to run my own company but as her ‘finance’ I had to be Sahara’s representative. The small little lie had blown out of proportion to make it worse as she sat there asking me how we were related I lied yet again.

According to me we have been dating for a while and the article was just fake news.Truth being I am just a guy who has been enamoured with her for months and we barely went on one date and we almost died on the way there. 

She believed me, she trusted me and I hate to think of her reaction when she gets her memory back-if she does. The thing with secrets is that they come out.

Tomorrow is the last day for the nurse as Sahara was getting off the heavy medication and had recovered well. Lying in my bed wrapped in my silk sheets gave no comfort to my dirty conscious, I moved out of bed to get a glass of water.

The cool air of the fridge hits my skin relaxing me a bit. I walk through to Sahara’s room opening a small gap to look through. Her light snores fill the room. She is sleeping on her back peacefully. I take a second to admire her before moving to Liam’s room. The room is empty bringing a small smile to my face.

I walk to my room to find him sprawled out on my bed in his giraffe onesie. My mind wanders to how it would be like if we were a family.

“Thank you. Have a good day.” Nurse Priya spoke before closing the door behind her.  The silence in the room becomes weird. Sahara was standing next to me staring at the front door. Liam wasn’t going to get here for another hour.  “So…” we spoke at the same time. We looked at each other then laughed.

“What do we do now?” she asked looking at me lively.

“Well… we can work out, watch a movie or maybe bake.”

“I don’t remember what the old me liked, but I think baking is going to be fun. I am not ready to work out and I don’t want to sit idly staring at a screen.”

I did a hand salute moving us to my kitchen. I grabbed the recipe book giving it to her. “What shall we make?”

She looked at the book intently muttering low ‘ohhs’. Then she pointed at Oreo and caramel chocolate brownies. Internally cringing at the sugar we got to work. It was interesting to see some of the old traits about her showing. She was still taking the lead and bossy. She seemed good at cooking, she knew the substitutes we could use for ingredients I didn’t have.

“Let me put the powdered sugar.” I spoke grabbing the bag.

“No. It is okay. I will do it.” She spoke taking it back.

“Sahara.” I whined out drawing her name out making it sound longer.

She copied me and did the same with my name. I put my hands on the bag and started pulling, Sahara pulled back and it became a tug of war for the powdered sugar. A huge lump of sugar flopped onto her face making me get the bag in my hands. I dropped it grabbing a cloth.

Her expression turned deadly, before I knew it I was running away with powdered sugar being thrown at me. as we got to the formal dining I decided to let her hit me.

I stood still as she emptied the bag of powdered sugar. “You are mine now.” I spoke grabbing her into my arms in a hug like position off the floor. I rubbing the substance all over her messing up her sweat shirt.

At first she screamed and screamed before we found ourselves laughing on the white couch. Her brown eyes found mine as we leaned closer and closer. I felt the light touch of her lips brush against mine.

A loud thud broke us up as Liam stood there with Thomas.

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