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" I need you to tell the representatives of the textile companies that I'm running late. Family emergency." I cut the phone call not waiting for her to respond.

Linda, my assistant and best friend would give me an earful later but I had to pick up my son from school. "Thomas, please drive faster." I instructed.

The school called saying he was sick. I had to drop the meeting and head straight there. I didn't trust anyone with him, not even Linda or Thomas. When liam gets sick he just needs hugs and a long nap with some antibiotics.

Arriving at the school I jump off and head to the front office. There they have my baby sitting on an ugly armchair. I smile at the school secretary and take Liam into my hands. Smiling lightly he grabs harder onto me. After signing a form I leave.

We walk outside the school as Thomas opens the door. When we are inside I gently lay him in the limbo, grabbing my purse I take his medicine out. Giving it to him I lay him on my lap. A mother is always prepared.

Less than fifteen minutes into the ride he was already sleeping. I take out my phone to text Linda.

Sahara: on my way. five miutes away.

When we get to the company. I give my purse to Thomas as I take Liam into my arms. Running into my office, well trying to run without waking Liam.

Putting Liam on my office couch i grab my folder and head to the conference room.  As I'm walking down the hallway I find three men speaking very loudly in the middle I find my short red headed friend.

"This is what happens when a business is filled with women."

Scrowling I walk closer purposefully making sure my hills made noise to warn them of my coming. Linda turns to look at me with a look of relief.

Reaching the site , Linda moves to my side. "What is going on here?"

"Miss , I was trying to convince Mr.Gage from Harriet Textiles to calm down. He was angry about the delay."

Looking at the three men I turn to Linda. "Linda please order the pastries for the people inside." Excusing herself she leaves the spot outside the conference room.

"I do not tolerate disrespect to my employees Mr.Gage. I do not wish to do any further business with you. Thomas, my bodyguard will show you out. Let me see you here once more and I will destroy you, show you how this woman deals with her business." I say with a light smile on my face.

Thomas steps forward from behind me to show them off. "You should have stayed at home cooking." He laughs, his group of men laughing with him.

I take a swing at him aiming for his face. They all stop laughing,  he trys to hit me back but is stopped by Thomas.

"Listen to me well Mr Gage. This is my company, as far as everyone saw you were an asshole who tried assaulting me. Leave here quietly or in cuffs." I say lowering the smile off my face.

I hate sexist bastards. I don't wait for him to respond as Thomas nudges him forward. I walk into the conference room. "Good Day ladies and gentlemen. I apologise for my late arrival. Family issues. As you all know West Coperations is looking for a new textile company. We have choose you as future prospects."

"Mrs West, I don't see why you had to put us in a room with our competitors. You could have choosen one." He is definitely out. Has no tolerance or patience. The fact that he didn't do his research on me is also a negative on his side. You never go into a war blinded.

"Miss West. Mr Drake , this is bussiness.  I don't care if you don't like the people in this room. I am looking for three companies to work with, preferably one but I'll consider. If anyone has any issue with the way I run my company you are more than welcome to leave."

The meeting continues for the next hour with me talking numbers, states and attitude issues with grown people.  I already have the five potential companies to work with, thre-four are already out.

Mr Gage, Mr Drake and Miss Harrison were out, their behaviour was disgusting. Mr Gage was a sexist pig. Mr Drake , a rude old fart. Miss Harrison,  the condensing bimbo. The represetive for Virginia textiles was out of the question. I couldnt work with them for this. They had a partnership with Jason's companies.

"Thank you , that will be all. You may leave." I dismissed.

Everyone gets up from their seats leaving the room. Only Ms. Roberts walks up to say goodbye.

"I hope to work with you, Miss West." Mr. King says giving me a handshake as he stands next to Ms.Roberts.

He sat through the whole meeting without saying a word. He seemed like that observing person who sees all and only ever speaks when he feels he has to. Smiling I respond, "As do I. "

His expression didn't change. He was very cute-no hot. His blonde locks looked great in the natural light the glass office brought. All the walls were see through.

Linda walks in with the phone in hand. "Emergenc-" She stops when she sees i am talking to Mr. King. He bows his head to both of us and decides to leave.

We both look at him as he leaves. When he is out of earshot Linda turns to me.

"Liam is not in your office and Thomas and the staff have been looking for him but he ran away from Dan because he was afraid of strangers, we need a video from you saying it's okay to go with one of the employees when he is found" She speaks with wide eyes.

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